Below is a listing of all of the poetry books that we have published at

Poetry Pages: A Collection of Voices from Around the World, Volume V
The members of the online poetry community at Poetry have rallied together once again to bring forth their new and exciting 5th volume of poetry. Within the pages of this captivating read, the highs and lows of life's complex emotions are explored and expressed in the written form of poetry... sometimes joyously, sometimes tearfully, always with feeling. We invite you to enter these pages and experience the twists and turns as we travel together on this road called 'life'.
Authors in book:
Black Wolf's Blood
Eternum 1
Milk White Chocolate
Tom Watson
Tony Fiona
ISBN-10: 0976807688
ISBN-13: 9780976807681
Pages: 256
Size: 6 x 9
Purchase at: Amazon

Poetry Pages: A Collection of Voices from Around the World Volume IV
Here we are again, the members of with our fourth volume of selected poetry. Familiar voices from previous volumes and talented newcomers come together to escort you on a journey through the mind. All life is here, the highs and lows, in pain and joy, from engaging tales, to the windows on the soul. Welcome ....
Authors in book:
Richard Taylor (richie)
Abdullah Haris (Haroo)
Anarcha Erika Carter (GoddessErika)
K.Eltinaé (k.eltinae)
Kathleen MacLintock (Maid of Iron)
Kimberly Drone (kimmyjean)
Lorraine Voss (Ven)
Naushin Walji (Friend_forever)
Heinz Scheuenstuhl (heinzs)
Shawn Nacona Stroud (nacona)
Dennis Schmunk (Eternum 1)
Valarie Vandegriff (moonflower)
J.Mccalmont (Pope)
Lamarr Smith (foreverflame)
Daniel Harrison (Sailor55)
Debbie R. Forest (godspoetess)
Leysa Robertson (Leysa)
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Perfect binding, laminate covers
Pages: 320
ISBN: 0976807645
Publisher: Jera Publishing
Publication date: December 20056
Purchase at: Amazon

Poetry Pages: A Collection of Voices from Around the World Volume III
This edition of works by our eclectic poets is the third volume offering general poetry of topics ranging from the darkness of a soul in torment to the light of joy in a happy heart. You will recognize some names from our earlier books and you will have the opportunity to become acquainted with some new ones. But whoever they may be, these are the members of the Poetry Pages community.
Authors in book:
Rabab Ahmed (buttterflies)
Julie Caldwell (Jaysie)
Anarcha Erika Carter (GoddessErika)
Gillian Crawford (Gillian)
Kimberly Drone (Kimmyjean)
Deborah R. Forest (Godspoetess)
James M. Lowe II (negatvone)
Terry McGhee (thief of dreams)
Jenni Meggers (Phoenix J. Star)
Dennis Schmunk (Eternum 1)
Lamarr Smith (foreverflame)
W.J. Thomas (chthon)
Valarie Vandegriff (moonflower)
Naushin Walji (friend_forever)
Thomas Watson (Tom Watson)
Jeanne Watson (jeannerené)
David Whitehill Jr (Gordy)
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Perfect binding, laminate covers
Pages: 344
ISBN: 0976807610
Publisher: Jera Web Creations
Publication date: December 2005
Purchase at: Amazon

Poetry Pages: A Collection of Voices from Around the World Volume II
Continuing their love of the written word, especially the art of poetry, authors from offer their second volume of collected poems.
This eclectic group has combined talents to bring to text the thoughts and spirits of the changing seasons, the joys and sorrows of life and the faith and fury of our present world. In volume two rediscover the heartfelt emotions and unique experiences written by twenty individuals from different corners of the world, united by their love of poetry and the desire to share their expressions, with you, the reader.
It is our earnest wish that you be touched in some small way as you embark on your own journey through the pages of this book.
Authors in book:
Gbenga Ajileye (Gbenga AJILEYE)
J.Alan Burdick, Ph.D. (burdick)
Adam Deffenbaugh (the quiet poet)
Kimberly Eddleman (Berlie)
Pam Ehli (ehli'schild)
Lisa Grosch (Lil Gray)
Stephen P Kuper (kuperian4ever)
Terry McGhee (thief of dreams)
Jennifer Roseanna Meggers (Phoenix J. Star)
Erin Moen (Moongem)
Michael J. Pease (MJPease)
Janet Reid (Janmew)
Leysa Robertson (Leysa)
Heinz Scheuenstuhl (heinzs)
Gerald Francis Michael Spoor (Bags 123)
Valarie Vandegriff (moonflower)
Lorraine Voss (Ven)
Jeanne René Watson (jeannerené)
Thomas Watson (Tom Watson)
David Whitehill (Gordy)
Format: Paperback 6x9
Published: July 30, 2004
Pages: 348
ISBN# 141846600X
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Purchase at: Amazon

Poetry Pages: A Collection of Voices from Around the World
A Collection of Voices from Around the World is more than just a poetry compilation. It is a partnership of poets from around the globe brought together by an internet poetry forum. That forum,, has been the home of many a fine poet since it was established in 1999.
This collection sets itself apart from those published by other poetry forums in several ways. Perhaps most importantly, it is done by the poets themselves; testament to the kinship that exists there.
Nineteen member poets came together for this first edition. Working together, those poets compiled what they deemed to be the best of their works. The selections vary in subject and style, offering something for virtually every fan of poetry.
Authors in book:
Alisdaire O'Caoimph
Gerry Spoor (bags123)
Kimberly Eddleman (Berlie)
CG Labb
Debra Brown (debab)
Shannon L. Delsol (delsol)
Pam Ehli (ehli'schild)
Gillian Crawford (Gillian)
David Whitehill, Jr. (Gordy)
Heinz Scheuenstuhl (heinzs)
Janet Reid (Janmew)
Leysa Robertson (Leysa)
Lisa Grosch (Lil Gray)
Michael J. Pease
Erin Moen (Moongem)
John Kawka (tattooedbreathmessiah)
Lorraine Voss (Ven)
Michael A. Rabb (running wolf)
Zubairi Atamvaku Nasseem
Format: Paperback 6x9
Published: July 1, 2003
Pages: 352
ISBN# 1410751686
Publisher: Author House
Purchase at: Amazon

Seeking the Spiritual
Poetry from the Hearts and Souls of the Members of
Sunsets, sun risings…the multitudes of creatures on land and sea…the amazing process of birth and death…all of these lead us to ponder and wonder. What is spirit? How does one define spirituality? Billions of souls have contemplated these questions throughout the ages. Contained in this, the first collection of spiritual poems from the community, we offer an array of reflections penned by a collection of searching souls, seeking the spiritual.
Authors in book:
Gillian Crawford (Gillian)
Debbie Forest (godspoetess)
Negatvone (James M. Lowe II)
Terry McGhee (Thief of Dreams)
Judith Piper (nekot)
Drew Rush
Lady Saturn
Heinz Scheuenstuhl (Heinzs)
Dennis Schmunk (Eternum 1)
Gerry Spoor (bags123)
Naushin Walji (Friend_forever)
Jeanne René Watson (jeannerené)
Tom Watson
David Whitehill Jr. (Gordy)
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Perfect binding
Pages: 208
ISBN: 978-0-9768076-6-7
Publisher: Jera Publishing
Publication date: March 2007
Purchase at: Amazon

Poetry from the Dark Side: Volume II
Explore the darker side of humanity with poetry from the members of
Poetry from the Dark Side Vol. II pulls together some of the darker thoughts and emotions from the community at
Traverse the eclectic views and expressions of a family that while never housed under the same roof, share a bond that can not be bent, bruised or broken and a strength to pull free of any dark abyss that may struggle to pull us under.
Some of us have climbed out from under the shadows to lend a hand to those still trying. Others are just beginning their climb while a few have fallen yet will never be forgotten.
We invite you to step into our struggling world, to witness the paralysing moments of fear and horror that make up our imaginations.
Welcome to the darkness, leave your flashlights at the door, all you need here is courage.
Authors in book:
thief of dreams
C.R. Ebowski
Drew Rush
Black Wolf's Blood
secluded refuge
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: Perfect binding
Pages: 148
ISBN: 978-0976807674
Publisher: Jera Publishing
Publication date: October 31st, 2007
Purchase at: Amazon

Poetry From the Dark Side
Explore the darker side of humanity with poetry from the members of
From the Poetry Pages comes the darkness, the twisted dreams of fiction and fantasy, the phantom poetry of wrath and retribution. Now, behind the fading light, as the faces dimly slide into the fog, whispering the words, they have been captured and soaked into these pages...
Authors in book:
Rabab Ahmed (buttterflies)
Kimberly Eddleman (Berlie)
Jessica D. Garder (lil_miss_shortstuff)
Veronica Jade (Jade)
Terry McGhee (thief of dreams)
Michael Moore (Third Libra)
Lisa D. Morris (redrobin)
Drew Rush
Heinz Scheuenstuhl (heinzs)
Lamarr Smith (foreverflame)
Zachariah Stone (SamIAm)
Tom Watson
Danielle S. Wilson (Ellie)
Format: Paperback 6x9
Published: October 4th, 2004
Pages: 171
ISBN# 1-4116-1377-5
Purchase at: Amazon

Within Three Lines
A collection of Haiku, Senryu, and other short forms of verse written by members of the Poetry community.
Within These Three Lines
Nature lives in words and wind,
Brushing the heart's soul.
Authors in book:
Valarie Vandegriff (moonflower)
Jeanne Watson (jeannerené)
Terry McGhee (thief of dreams)
Tom Watson
Kimberly Eddleman (Berlie)
Leysa Robertson (Leysa)
Dina Salah Hassanien (Candy_Cane)
J.Alan Burdick, Ph.D. (burdick)
Heinz Scheuenstuhl (heinzs)
Format: Paperback 5x8
Published: June 2005
Pages: 184
ISBN# 0976807602
Publisher: Jera Web Creations
Purchase at: Amazon

Lost and Found
A series of short verse by members of Poetry Pages.
What you have here is one of a kind, a book that should have never been, but somehow decided it had to be, almost willed itself into existence. Books are preplanned orchestrated events... not so here, this book wrote itself, well not quite, synchronicity wrote this book. Spontaneity wrote it too. In an unplanned spontaneous endeavor, members of the online community,, came together to write the poems contained in these pages. It began with a poem entitled “lost” then again with a separate poem entitled “found” posted in our forums by Berlie (Kim Eddleman). Others were inspired to begin replying with their own “lost” and “found” poems. Soon there were quite a few of these short poems that all seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces complementing one another and becoming a larger picture. A suggestion was made that they would make a nice collection for a book and this is the result.
~ Shawn Kiser (zero)
Pages: 175
Size: 7.5 x 7.5 in.
Binding: Perfect-bound
Publisher: Jera Web Creations
Purchase at: Lulu