Weird Ponderings

Forum for your general poetry that may or may not also fit into other forums as well.

Moderators: Gillian, Spazway, moonflower

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Forum for your general poetry that may or may not also fit into other forums as well. If you wouldn't want your 12-year old daughter to read it, don't post it here.
Autoprune 12 months.
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Black Ferret Poet
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Location: Buffalo, Tx USA

Weird Ponderings

Post by carndo » Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:39 pm

water running down my dreams

and for the life of me

I don't know what it means

confusion touches deeply

as this image

runs through my brain

leaving me


as I scratch my head

trying to figure this out


I see no answer

to the question

that has been laid

at my feet

as I look at myself


at what's going on


it's a puzzle

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