Round three, fight!
Is that your best shot?
I didn’t beg to be hit,
But I’m your whipping post,
Until your arms are tired
Until you rage is assuaged,
Or your heart lets go,
and reaches out again
For a bipolar embrace
Round three, fight!
Moderators: Gillian, Spazway, moonflower
Forum rules
Forum for your general poetry that may or may not also fit into other forums as well. If you wouldn't want your 12-year old daughter to read it, don't post it here.
Autoprune 12 months.
Forum for your general poetry that may or may not also fit into other forums as well. If you wouldn't want your 12-year old daughter to read it, don't post it here.
Autoprune 12 months.
Round three, fight!
"You leapt into the abyss, but find, It only goes up to your knees"... Nick Cave
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