Confessions of a Nightmare

Forum for your general poetry that may or may not also fit into other forums as well.

Moderators: Gillian, Spazway, moonflower

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Forum for your general poetry that may or may not also fit into other forums as well. If you wouldn't want your 12-year old daughter to read it, don't post it here.
Autoprune 12 months.
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Seafoam Poet
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Confessions of a Nightmare

Post by Dema » Sat Mar 26, 2022 2:07 pm

By: Kristopher Holtz

I'm the opposite of what's known as a dream
Something to be feared and make you scream
I'm the perfect predator feasting on thoughts in your head
While feeling assumingly safe asleep in your bed
I'm patient and have all infinite time
Waiting for the perfect moment to commit my crime
Even during the day as you walk
I'll be the dark cloud following and silently stalk
You can't out run or hide. So do try your best
Eventually I know you'll need to stop and take a rest
Scorn Malcontent
Anachy Forces Of Darkness

"Vengeance is mine
Neither sweet nor kind
Vengeance is mine
Vengeance is mine"--- Silenoz

"I Serve To No One!"--- Kratos
"Rule is to defy all rules to do as you please and please as you do"
"In defiance you find pleasure"--- Dema

"Future is black/white, waiting for the One True Love
Who will clear my blackness and show me light in the darkness." --- Dema

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