finding heaven

A place to enjoy the interactive sport of Roleplay exercises, post your prose, short stories, story poems, prose poems and epics. This forum does not autoprune

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Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
Posts: 481
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Tag line: You Haunt My Soul
Location: Pluto

finding heaven

Post by Black Star Shine » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:13 am

I had never quite found my place in this second dimension called heaven. Mostly because it didn't seem like any kind of heaven anyone would want to live in. Even after being here for three long months, earth still looked the same in its heaven state. I could still see people, feel people, and even talk to people, but they couldn't see, feel or hear me.

It wasn't like I was alone, there were plenty of angels with me everywhere I went. We weren't the angelic halo/golden wings/play a harp sit on a cloud kind of angels. We looked like normal people, wore clothes we died in and acted normal as well. Excluding the fact we didn't eat or need rest or to use the bathroom.

I didn't want to be an active angel, helping other dead souls realize that they weren't going back, that they actually were dead. I mostly walked around my high school, attending random classes and such.

I should have been graduating with the rest of the senior class this month... but that wasn't going to happen. Ever since they started to even mention graduation, I left the school and just wandered aimlessly in town.

I'd been dead since the first month of school... And I still didn't know why I had to be dead. Being dead made it so I was away from Eric...

The last time I saw Eric was when I had died... It seemed like just yesterday...

"RA! RA! RA! Tigers all the way! RA! RA! RA! We just won a game!" We both chanted the song the whole school had been singing after the football game. Eric made a motion with his hands as he did a victory dance at the stop sign. He leaned over and kissed me lightly before driving again.

The way home was past the railroad station just outside of town. It was run down and hadn't had a train run through it in ages. Eric drove while starting to raise his voice in another cheer.

It all happened so fast. One second we were passing over the bumpy tracks and the next we were stopped and there was a different sound replaced with the once giddy laughing.

"Miley!" I heard Eric's voice screaming. "Miley! Baby! Stay with me Miley!"

I looked around and saw red all over the place, a deep maroon that wasn't supposed to be on the outside. The sickening red was mixed with glass and car parts. Eric was holding my right shoulder with his right hand, applying pressure. He took his hand away and cried out more.

"Miley!" His hand was drenched in blood... my blood! I looked down at where I was lying. My clothes were bloody and shredded. I looked up at Eric.

"Eric, you're hurt!" I gasped, his head had a trickle of blood coming from a large gash above his left eye. I tried reaching up to wipe it but he gently held my hand where it was resting across my lap.

"You're hurt worse..." He said letting more tears slide down his cheeks. His bloody hand stroked my cheek then carefully grabbed my hand. I gripped his for dear life as the sound of sirens approached.

Five EMT's jumped out of the ambulance as it pulled to a screeching halt next to where we were. "Young man" One with short black hair said to Eric. "Lets move her so she's straight."

I didn't realize that my body was contorted. "What's your name?" Another one asked me.

"Miley" Eric answered for me.

"Miley, where do you hurt?" His voice was sympathetic.

"Everywhere" I cried in pain as I realized that I couldn't even move anything besides my hand which was grasping Eric's.

"Well," one of them sighed, "lets get her head on something soft."

"Me" Eric said, he maneuvered as they set my head lightly in his lap. My right shoulder seared with glass from breaking the passenger window, I couldn't feel my arm past that. My head throbbed from what I guessed was hitting the dash board and my legs felt like jello. "Miley?"

I looked at him. "Eric..." my mind went perfectly clear as I stared into his eyes, I now remembered a run away box car nicking the car as we went over the tracks, enough force was behind it that it sent me through the car in the end and totaled the car undoubtedly. "Eric, I love you..."

"You're not leaving! I won't let you leave!" He sobbed as he hugged me against his body as best he could. "Miley! You're not going!"

"Sir" The first EMT said to Eric. "Sir, we need to check your head." he touched Eric's arm, but Eric pulled away harshly.

"I'm not leaving her!" He spat at them. "I'm not leaving..."

I could feel ym body growing weak, I couldn't hold on, my mind was slipping away too quickly. I finally noticed one of the EMT's, he hadn't spoken or offered any help in ayn way. He walked towards me slowly, none of the others noticed him.

"Miley," He said soothingly "Let's go Miley." he smiled warmly as he took my hand and helped me up without any pain coming to me. "Turn around Miley."

I did as instructed and stared at my body that was lying limply in Eric's arms, looking horrible as ever. Eric started shaking as he screamed my name at the lifeless body. "MILEY!!"

I hadn't realized, as I thought about this event that ended my life as a being, that I had been walking towards the center of town. I looked down to see I was in the cemetary. Old head stones passed by me as I climbed the hill to find my own, devestating, headstone.

I stopped at the top of the hill. A single dark silloet stood in front of my grave. The height of the person was instantly recognizeable. I dashed over and stood by him.

I stared at his perfect face. He was wearing levis and a black tee shirt. I traced the scar over his eye carefully. He sighed and smiled as he kept looking at my stone.

"Miley..." He whispered. He looked at me, not past me or in my general direction, but he looked into my eyes. "I've missed you." I watched in wonder as he took my hand in his. "I knew if I waited here long enough you would come."

"You--I... here--..." He put a finger on my lips gently to silence me.

He laughed quietly "You obviously don't watch the news very ofter." he pointed to a new head stone next to mine.

[align=center]Eric Baker
July 29th 1990- May 13th 2008
Loving brother, son, and friend
Walking peacefully with her.

"How?" I said, looking back at him.

"I... Drown while kyaking with some friends in some rough currents. Took us all by suprise..." He carressed my face. "You don't know how good it feels to see you again."

I couldn't help myself. I jumped into his arms as he spun around as we embraced and kissed.

"I promise" He said in my ear joyfully. "I won't ever leave you again!"

Maybe this really was heaven...

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