The Beach Was Wide Chapter 1

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The Beach Was Wide Chapter 1

Post by kuperian4ever » Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:20 am

The Beach was Wide

Chapter one

The beach was wide. White sand. Clear water. Blue sky. The waves crashing
on the reef lulled me into wonder lust as the sun moved higher, away from the
eastern horizon.

Seagulls ranted above in the warm, scented tropical breezes. Tiny crabs in
little shells ran amok in the shallows of the reef while fish of the most
beautiful colors moved gracefully among the coral garden in the deeper

An island paradise containing a deep, lush, mysterious rain forest that sings
the songs of its inhabitants. Of the waterfalls, of its trees as they catch
the briny breeze to sing praise to the wonders around them.

The days were long and warm. Filled with the fragrances of the green foliage
and sea blended with the beach and coral as waves lapped unceasingly among
them. The nights were deep with diamond cluttered skies. A moon that hung
close enough to almost touch in its arc across the black velvet expanse.

This island had become my home when the ocean vessel I was on sank in
high seas during a sudden and severe squall. Caught off guard, the crew
could do little to save her and the sea rendered up and took her down.
And I was cast into the hellish waters to fight for my life. And fight I did.

I fought every wave that tried to swallow me. The rain and winds that drove
stinging drops of water into my eyes and mouth as I fought to breathe. I fought
the fears that tried to convince me that I would die as the faces of those I love
flashed across my mind throughout that fateful night.

I found myself awash on the beach of this beautiful island paradise as dawn
graced the western horizon. I had never been so happy to see our sun right
then, right there. I stood valiant against the storm, I defeated it, I live!

Yet to my dismay no other of my kind survived the sinking. What a tragic voyage
this had been. Just a bunch of guys on a yacht cruising deep waters. A joy ride.
A grand adventure for five young strapping lads loosed upon the world.

We had too much time on our hands. With money to spend and adventure in our
hearts we chose the sea as our highway. And with all plans prepared we set out on
what would become a voyage into death. Who knew?

But that was so long ago. Countless day, months, years have passed since I have
come to find myself here. And the salty winds that blow in off the shimmering
ocean have whispered their tales of fancy to me for what seems like forever.
And I take comfort in their wise council.

One day they called me to the outlook. The highest place on my tropical home. From
there I could see the entire island and its tiny place in the vast ocean surrounding
it. And it was here that the wind spoke most clearly.

Look, it whispered, look out from whence we come. I scanned the silvery blue
waves to the horizon and saw only water and sky. It is beautiful; I sighed. Yes,
it is, but a great war is coming. Wind and water once again do battle.
Not safe for you.

I turned my nose into the wind and it was then that I smelled it. A numbing fear
gripped me. Yes, it whispered, it comes swiftly. Seek shelter.

In all my time on this island the only truly bad storm I remember was the one that
landed me here. So this was very troubling to me. I watched the sky as the winds
became more persistent. Getting angry. They insistent I retreat to a safer place

Then came the darkness that swallowed the horizon and the sun. Flashes from the
violent battle within as the storm approached spoke to the pending damage this
would do when unleashed on my tiny island home.

They were becoming increasingly more persistent, angrier with me whipping
through my hair and lashing at my face. I knew I must find shelter on the leeward side
of the mountain in a place where the coming torrents of water would not wash me
away to my doom. I turned to go when the first drop of rain hit me. Go, said the
winds, Go!

I moved down the leeward side of the mountain to find a sheer cliff wall falling to
about 150 feet. On either side were rock outcroppings and gully scarred hillside
going down into the dark rain forest below.

I found shelter in some rocks that would keep the rain and flooding off me just as a
tremendous wall of rain swept over me. The winds screamed and moaned their battle
cries as it fought raging torrents of rain for dominance.

This brought swift darkness and horrible energy to bear on my little home. I
cried in despair as the wind roared past me in a fury I had never seen before.
And the water rushed over my shelter in torrents and down the mountain
side in a huge flood that I envisioned tearing through my beautiful rain forest and
the wonderful creatures therein washing them all away. I cried to the winds to
stop but the battle raged on.

For some time this battle raged over my home. But it moved on over the waters until
it was lost to the horizon. I emerged from my shelter and looked down the mountain
now misty in the new sun light. There was much damage everywhere but overall it was
nothing time and re-growth wouldn't fix.

I moved about and checked my food and water supplies cached around the island
and found most intact. I then went to the beach. All was well. I breathed a sigh of
relief. Such a terrible storm and so little damage to my heavenly paradise.

I smiled as I lay down on the white sand, still wet and cluttered with much debris from
the winds, to catch a nap before going fishing in the deep, aqua colored reef.

As I felt myself slipping into a pleasant dream a strange sound echoed out through the
silence. In my time on the island I had become familiar with all the sounds this
island made and this was not one of them. It was there and gone. Loud enough to
startle me awake but not long enough to get a bearing.

I sat up and scanned the area. Not seeing anything I lay back down blaming my
recently battered nerves. I heard some parrots crying in the forest lending
credence to my synopsis and again closed my eyes.

A blue sky, cotton puff clouds, a caress of a breeze, a wisp of hair tickling my face, a
feeling of serenity moving through me. Then somewhere out of my sight I hear a
voice say, “lose something,” as a face in silhouette appeared suddenly above me.

I jerked myself out of sleep and gulped air. Startled at the intense effect this had on
me. Still spinning I looked down the beach to clear my mind.

I remember the disbelief of what I saw. How it sat down in my stomach like a hot
cannon ball and then spread like a wildfire throughout my body. I rubbed my eyes
and tried to focus. It was still there. Lying on the beach for all to see.

I stood on rubbery legs and forced myself to walk. It isn't there, I kept telling myself.
It can’t be. Once I got moving I found the energy to run, and I ran. I ran as fast as
I could screaming like a maniac until I reached it. Until I touched it.

A life boat. My God! A lifeboat was sitting on my beach. That meant someone was
here. I hadn't been in the company of person like me for what seemed like a
lifetime. The mere thought caused my legs to collapse.

Then I heard a now familiar sound. It was the sound I heard as I slipped into sleep
earlier. I shot a glance in the direction it came from but saw nothing. Desperation
overwhelmed me. I screamed out and began stumbling toward the jungle. Toward
the sound.
Last edited by kuperian4ever on Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by thief of dreams » Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:45 am

oh Kupe you bastard... such a cliff hanger ending.. i want more... more moremoremoreMOREMORE!!!!!

"Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler."
Friedrich Nietzsche

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Post by heinzs » Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:45 am

Are we editing for the visually impaired Kupe?

An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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Post by bags123 » Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:02 pm

"The Beach was Wide" "The font was BIG" :mrgreen:
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Post by kuperian4ever » Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:46 am

Chapter 2 is on it's way..thanks for the intrest, T.O.D. It's been ages
since I've tried to write a short story and I started this project with many
ideas. Hopefully they will pan out and the story will be well recieved.

Mr. H and Bags..thanks for looking in. I did edit for the sight impaired,
me. Staring at this screen reading poetry in it's small print for hours at a
time has left me eyesore and wishing for larger print. But in the intrest
of those with healthy eyes and space limitations I've brought the font
down to a smaller size. Hopefully this meets with applause and many
Bric-a Brac

Death will be your final victory over life
Rejoice, for victory comes even as you live
Spread your arms and embrace the future

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Re: The Beach Was Wide Chapter 1

Post by thief of dreams » Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:55 am

"Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler."
Friedrich Nietzsche

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