Short Story, WARNING!

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Saxon Greye

Short Story, WARNING!

Post by Saxon Greye » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:39 pm

This story is violent and descriptive, it contains language that is very strong.

If you still want to try to read it then I give you,


A bleak, despairing land. Covered in ash, the trees are all blackened and will never grow again. The sky is blackened by smoke, it chokes the birds, sending them to the ground where they lay and slowly suffocate. A tree sits in the middle of the ash covered field, it is burnt and twisted in agony. The trees burnt stumps of limbs seem to cry out from the horrible tortures they have endured. Corpses of the dead lay all around, some with charred bones sticking out of limbs, some with huge gashes or holes in them that poured blood that has since dried or seeped deep into the ground. A mans body cries out, still alive. His eyes have been eaten out by maggots, one arm is missing, and one leg had the flesh burned off, little strips of flesh still hold onto his bones. From his mouth blood pours out as he cries a muffled cry of pain and agony. This mans final thoughts are of his family, his wife and two kids. He was close to getting home from work when it happened, now he lays in agony, his stomach rips open and he cries one final time. the maggots rip out of his stomach and fall to the ground in a gooey, sloppy mess. The swim around in their own goo as a disgusting mass of flesh insects. a few flies come flying out of the man, some out of his stomach, others out of his eye sockets and into the air where they begin to suffocate. The man is left staring in death, his final thoughts of how much he wanted to wake up after this nightmare, wake up with his wife there to hold him and comfort him...but he is left staring, in this pain, forever...

A ways off a fire burns and a battle rages, the fire consumes all that it touches. burning down towns and cities. Women, men and children of all ages run away from the flames. Bodies lay scattered in the streets, blood stains the ground all over. A man takes a hammer and runs at a small girl, shes only 4 years old, standing in the street crying out for help in a hoarse voice, tears stream down her face. The man runs at her with hatred and madness in his eyes, he raises his hammer and brings it down towards the little girl, she said something, but the man does not hear, he brings the hammer down. CRACK, the little girls skull splits open and blood rushes down her body to the ground, bits of her skull and flesh go flying, a spurt of blood flies out of her broken head as she shivers and falls to the ground, dead. The man does not stop there, he continues to beat the little girls head in, Her face is smashed in time and time again by the vicious man who screams like a wild animal. He smashes the little girls head and the brain comes out, he smashes that and it splits and breaks into piece of bouncy flesh, he hits the girls head a few times before dropping the hammer in horror. The words the girl had spoke, "No Daddy!" The man looks at his daughter, her head smashed in, hair comes out of the bloody, fleshy bowl that was once her head. Blood pools all around her head. The image burns into his mind. Remorse floods him, but before he can do anything a bullet passes through his head, he watches in slow motion as the bullet goes speeding out of his forehead, pushing his head apart, bits of skull and flesh go flying into the air, his blood flies to the ground and splatters on the street. He falls to the ground. Hes so cold and numb, his head landed so that in death he stares at what used to be his daughter. He thinks of the times they had spent together at the park, he pushed her on the swings, helped her when she scraped her hands and knees. All gone now, all that remained was a bloody mess, her life had been cut so short, all because of him... remorse over took him as tears fell from his eyes, even as darkness claimed him and his eyes turned a milky white, staring forever in horror and an unbearably heavy remorse...

More towards the fire an old man crawls over the ground, he is too weak to walk, his leg shattered by a maniac. He crawls away, but slowly the fire gains on him, he is being burned by the heat. He hears a young mans voice and relief floods him, "Grandpa! come on we have to get you out of here!" The young man runs towards his grandpa. Above the two a flaming piece of debris falls, it lands right next to the old man. The two pause for a moment to look at it. a single toung of flames goes and touches the old man, it does not catch him one fire, the young man goes to pull his grandpa to safety, but The old man has been touched by the flames...He jumps up, ignoring all pain in his leg and grabs his grandson, he takes his head and drags him to the ground, he slams the young mans head against a rock again and again, his skull cracks with each hit, blood begins to spurt as he continues to smash his grandsons head against the rock, blood begin to cover the rock, blood splatters onto the ground all around the rock. The Old man lets go on the young man who's head now sits around the rock, one eye one, it fell onto the ground staring at the flames as they consume the hysterical grandfather, who laughs with madness heavy in his eyes, the flames consume him completely, his hair is singed off and his skin begins to blacken and flake. his fingernails fall out and he screams, the flames get inside of him and he burns, his legs give out completely and he falls in a burning heap to the ground, his blood sizzles and pops as it pours out of his stomach, all the skin burnt away, his organs all spill out, the splatter onto the ground with a sickening plop, his organs burn in a disgusting mass of sizzling, bubbling, popping blood-covered organs. His head is burned away, his skull is revealed as he still screams in a broken, silent voice, his lung burned away. His eyes pop and burst out of his skull from the intense heat. He utters a final silent scream of pain and falls to the ground, consumed by the flames.

Away I stand, on a hill watching it all, my hatred consumes everything, it burns everything that I see, and I smile a twisted smile, knowing of all the horrible things that happen, knowing I was the sole cause. I smile that twisted smile as I turn to my two victims, there are tied to a pole. they scream and struggle but they are trapped, they are my victims for once! I hold in my hands two knives. I slowly walk over to my parents, first to my mother, she will suffer first. My mother, look at the fear in your eyes! I smile a twisted smile savoring the horror. then my face turns cold and shows my hatred for you. I stick one knife into the pole above your head. Then I take the other knife and start with your arm, I slowly press down with the knife, it pushes your skin down, then I pull back and it cuts through so neatly, so cleanly. I slowly continue to cut deeper, you try not to scream, but you can't help it. I cut down so that only ligaments hold your arm on, then I grab your arm and twist it with a sickening pop, it cracks as I pull hard one your arm, I pull and twist and rip at your arm until it snaps off. Then I take your arm and I stuff it down your throat, shoulder first, I jam it into your fucking mouth, no longer will you scream at me you stupid bitch, you choke on your own blood and I laugh, I slice your left eye out, and I shove it into your right, popping both of them and leaving the little bits of eye left in your socket I cut off your leg from the knee down, I carve into it as blood spills over my hands, the warmth is soothing but it does nothing to save you. I cut your leg off and leave bits of tendon bloody and dripping from your mutilated stump. Then stab you, right between the ribs, right into a lung, blood pours out and I leave the knife there. Next its on to you father. I look at you, you were always so stressed out, I would've helped you, but when I tried to help you decided to use me forever as your god damn stress relief! well guess what your stupid sadistic son of a bitch, your gonna die now mother fucker! I go insane with the knife, slashing at his face and neck, blood flies, one of his eyes explodes from a swipe, bits of flesh hang down from his face until hes unrecognizable, I swipe at his neck as blood pours down, When I have calmed down a bit I hear his head hit the ground and feel his blood spurt from his stump of a neck onto me. The blood soaks through my clothes and to my skin, it runs down my body to the ground. I then punch hard at his rib cage, I hear his ribs snap and crack, then I begin to cut into his chest, the skin parts and his blood flows out, his ribs are sharp, some still in the way. One rib punctured his lung. I then reach into his chest, his ribs cut my arm but I don't feel the pain anymore, this hatred hurts worse than anything else ever could. I grab his heart and tear it out, blood and bits of flesh fly out landing on me and the ground behind me, blood pours in his chest from ripped veins, it pours down his body. I laugh and cut open his stomach, letting the organs fall as I hold his heart, squeezing hard, I kick his organs as his heart rips from the pressure I'm putting on it. His organ flop around as I kick them, I laugh and take his heart, I set it against the pole and I stab the knife into it, his heart remains above his body, blood pouring down to his stump of a neck, I stomp on his head again and again it splits and cracks, his head becomes another gore splatter on the ground. I look at all of this and smile my twisted smile.

My hatred consumes everything, an unorthodox funeral in the flames I suppose. But still it doesn't end, there is one last step in this insanity. One final step to this hatred. My own death. I take the knife from my mothers rib and run to the fire. My insanity, my hatred, my love. I stare at the fire, This burning hatred, this sadistic desire grows with all I've done, nothing seems to satisfy this horrible lust, I must end this desire! I take the knife hold it to my throat. I rip it across my throat and blood pours out into the fire, I feel the fire crawl up my leg, burning it, blackening it, in seconds the fire has consumed me completely, I stand laughing as my hair is burned off, my skin blackens. I watch as my finger nails fall out, my skin begins to flake away on my hands, my fingers burn to reveal bone, soon the first joint is burned away, the ligaments bend, bringing my bone lower, then the ligament burns off and falls to the ground, my bone still attached to it, then my toes burn away. one knee cap falls out and I go down hard on that knee, my face bus to reveal bone, I take the knife and rip my stomach open, my guts spill out and begin to burn as they fall to thew ground with a gooey plop, My chest burns and my ribs are revealed, my nose burns away leaving only the bone and hanging bits of burning ligament to drip down. I rip my ribs apart with what remains of my hands, a bone falls out of one hand , but my ribs break, I then tear out my heart and stake it to the ground blood pours into the fire, it pops and sizzles, it burns on my body as it pours out, my skin burns away, all my flesh buns off and falls to the ground in small piles that burn out, I let out one final silent cry of hatred and madness, my eyes explode from the heat and I fall to the ground in a pile of broken, charred bones. Still my sadistic desire isn't fulfilled, I hate this! FUCK YOU ALL, FUCK THIS WORLD! I WILL MAKE YOU ALL BURN YOU STUPID LITTLE CUNTS I'LL MAKE SURE YOU ALL FEEL THIS PAIN AND YOU WILL ALL SUFFER! I HATE YOU ALL SO FUCKING MUCH YOU STUPID WHORE, GO KILL YOURSELVES BEOFRE I DO IT FOR YOU, NONE OF YOU DESREVE TO LIVE SO JUIST GO FUCKING HANG YOURSELVES! NOBODY HAS EVER REALLY CARED FOR YOU THEY ALL FUCKING HATE YOU BECAUSE YOUR A STUPID PILE OF USELESS FUCKING SHIT! GO SLIT YOUR GOD DAMN WRISTS YOUR STUPID PILE OF CRAP, GO SLIT YOUR THROAT WHILE YOUR AT IT PUT YOURSELF OUT OF EVERYONES MISERY WE ALL FUCKING HATE YOU! FUCK YOU ALL ITS TIME TO DIE, GET READY HERE IT COMES!!!!!

Black Star Shine
Demonic Grinning Poet
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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:20 pm
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Re: Short Story, WARNING!

Post by Black Star Shine » Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:43 am

wow, that was really dark and extreamly descriptive. but very well writen, your short stories are very similar to some of your poems, and that usually helps me write the two different genre's as well. again, Keep it up! :thumbsup:

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