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Ruler of Saturn
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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011


Post by LadySaturn » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:39 pm

Poetry Familia 10

So after the little battle with Apollyon, I had decided to go away for a bit. Just to be alone and try to get my head clear. I knew my father wouldn’t come to see me. I just had that gut feeling about it. That and the old man was always the type that figured his kid could find out things on her own. Better to handle things like an adult then have your parent hold your hand. Sometimes though, I wish he had. Maybe then I wouldn’t have had to struggle so much. Maybe then I wouldn’t have had so many nightmares. I try not to let it get to me though. I have more important things to worry about. And finding some peace and quiet in Jerusalem just happened to be one of them. Funny thing is, I should know by now where ever I go, peace and quiet are highly unlikely. Not just because of what I carry in my hand but because of my past as well. A lot of ghosts I’ve kept hidden from everyone including the familia. All for one reason or another but mainly because I wanted to forget. I didn’t want to re-live my past by telling the story over and over again. Living it once was enough for me. And if it wasn’t for this Seal in my hand, maybe I could forget. But as long as I have this thing, it won’t let me forget.

The plane landed in Tel Aviv around one in the afternoon. Plenty of time to travel through the desert to Jerusalem with a backpack of supplies. Granted it might take me two or three days to get there by walking but I had nothing else to do. So I figured why not. Camping out in the desert under the stars. Alone. No one trying to pull a fast one on you, no one trying to get inside your head, no one trying to walk in while you change, no familia drama. Lord, no familia drama. Don’t get me wrong, I love the familia like it’s my own. I just need my peace and quiet from time to time. I need to be by myself to sort things out and spend time with God. I also need to hang on to whatever sanity I have left. Because living in a house full of people will make you lose your mind. Now some would have you believe that the deserts of Israel are humid and hot. Far from it. Actually there hardly is any humidity. And as for the hot factor, yea I admit it can get a little warm but not as bad as the summers in the States. Especially in the deep south. As for wildlife such as snakes, scorpions, what have you. Hell, they don’t bother me and I don’t bother them. An hour before nightfall and I had decided to set up camp. Build a fire, that sort of thing. I thought I’d be able to get some sleep before I’d have to get up the next day and start walking again. I thought wrong. Not a half an hour into my sleep and they showed up riding on horseback. I didn’t know exactly who they were. They wore robes and concealed their faces pretty good. Whatever they wanted however, I knew it wasn’t good. I got to my feet and lit a cigar with my lighter. Putting it back in my jacket pocket.
“Just what I need.” I remarked, grumbling. “The freaking welcome committee.”
The leader of the pack stopped his horse a few feet before me as the others soon followed.
“Are you Lady Saturn?” The leader asked me.
I smoked my cigar. Not saying a word.
“Well are you?” He asked again, sounding somewhat demanding.
Still no answer.
“Are you deaf or what?”
Still nothing. One of his friends started to speak to me in Aramaic and I answered back. Laughing along with his friend as we carried on a conversation.
“Oh, so she doesn’t speak English.” The leader spoke up.
“She does.” His friend corrected him. “She doesn’t answer to an egotistical jackass.”
The leader looked over at his friend with a raised eyebrow.
“Her words not mine.” The friend responded.
“Fine. We’ll do things the hard way.” The leader sighed. “Get her.”
Two of his buddies got off their horses and walked towards me. With what appeared to be stun guns in their hands. The sound of something metal being unsheathed quickly broke the silence.
“What was that?” The leader asked, looking around.
“Idiots.” I growled, as his two buddies flew over his head.
The leader looked over at me. Noticing my claws were unsheathed and that they were glowing a white hue.
“My turn.” I continued to growl, as a smile crept up out of the corner of my mouth.
I slammed my claws into the sand causing a massive sand storm to swirl up all around the supposed welcoming committee. Giving me enough time to disappear. The storm quickly died out as soon as I had left.
“Where did she go?” The leader looked around. “Better yet, where is Alex?”
I now lit up a cigar again and began to grumble from the lack of sleep and the visit with the not so friendly company. Until I picked up on a scent. Not one hundred percent human but not demon either.
“What the...?” I whispered under my breath, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
“Is it true?” I heard someone whisper in the night air.
I stopped dead in my tracks and raised an eyebrow. Turning around. Only to find no one there.
“Who in...?”I shook my head a bit. “Damn old age.”
I turned back around just to come face to face with a winged being. His green eyes piercing into mine as he smiled somewhat.
“So you didn’t answer my question.” He said.
“Is what true?” I asked.
“Are you a half-breed?”
“All depends on what your definition of half-breed would be.”
“They say you’re half-human half-angel.”
“Then they’re right.”
“Aren’t you afraid of what others might think or say?”
“Not really.” I calmly replied. “What’s your name, kid?”
“Alex.” He answered.. “And I’m not a kid.”
“My bad. Well, Alex can you answer me something?” I continued to smoke my cigar.
“Why are your friends after me?”
“I can’t say.”
“Why not?” I raised an eyebrow.
“I took a vow.” Alex now tried to avoid eye contact with me.
“I see. Well, judging how you’ve got wings. I assume you belong to a group of angels.”
“You’re somewhat right.”
That’s when it hit me out of nowhere.
“Wait.... can’t be....” I shook my head a little. “Why would you boys be after me?”
“They’re after you because you’re a half-breed.” Alex replied.
“They? Aren’t you part of they?”
“Somewhat. I have different reasons to find you.”
“If you want the first Seal....” I began to warn.
“No, I don’t. There’s something else I need from you.” Alex interrupted.
I now raised an eyebrow.
“So have you heard from Saturn?” Jordan asked Berls, as he caught up with her in the hallway.
“No. You?” Berls responded.
“No. This isn’t like her.”
“Come on. When have you ever known her to call?”
“Well, she does call Joe from time to time....”
“To check up on us. Look, I’m sure she’s fine. She just needs....”
Before Berls could finish, she felt a sharp pain running through her mind. She fell to her knees. Holding her head in her hands.
“Berls?” Jordan asked, kneeling beside her to see if she was okay.
“Something’s wrong.” Berl answered, through clenched teeth.
“With who? Saturn?”
“No....her father.” Berls now began to glow a golden hue. “We have to go to Jerusalem.”
Gabriel now appeared out of nowhere in front of Nega. Folding his wings behind him. Nega was lifting weights in the basement. Trying to get his mind off of things for awhile.
“What do you want?” Nega asked, as he continued to bench press.
“It’s time.” Gabriel replied.
Nega stopped lifting in mid-air. Putting the weights back as he laid on the bench. Not saying a word.
“I can’t.” Nega finally said.
“You made a promise to her father. You made a promise to God. Now is not the time to back out.” Gabriel disagreed in a calm manner.
“I can’t. What if Saturn finds out. She’d hate me for keeping something like this from her.”
“She wouldn’t hate you. She’d understand.”
Nega looked over at Gabriel out of the corner of his eye. Raising an eyebrow somewhat.
“Have you ever met Saturn?” He remarked. “She’d kill me.”
“No, she wouldn’t. There’s another side to her. A caring, understanding, compassionate side. You’ve seen it a couple of times before. You just didn’t know what it was.”
“Yea, well if she’s so understanding then why hasn’t her father told her?” Nega questioned.
“You know the answer.” Gabriel bluntly responded. “As a father yourself, you should now that better than anyone else.”
Nega laid there. Thinking about it for a minute. Realizing that Gabriel was right.
“I give up. So where is Saturn’s father?” Nega asked.
“Um....that’s the thing. We have a problem.” Gabriel began to explain. “Saturn’s father is in trouble.”
“What sort of trouble?”
“Big trouble.”
Preston was wandering through the desert looking for yours truly. He had waited a half a day before deciding to get on a plane to go find me. Why? You got me. He’s a Texan. Texan men do crazy things. He now stopped in the middle of the desert to look at his hand. He found out that not only could his Seal tell the difference between lies and truths but it was also a tracker. It could sort of sense the other six Seals. No matter where they were. He noticed this the last time I sort of got close to him. Right before we were confronted by Apollyon.
“Okay, so where is she?” He asked his hand.
His Seal began to glow a bright green hue. Glowing brighter with every step Preston seemed to take. It would soon take him to find my camp. Or whatever was left of it. From there he’d be on the same trail that I had walked but not before meeting a very unusual character. Preston felt like he was being followed but wasn’t quite sure. He’d take a few steps and swear he was hearing someone take a few steps behind him. Taking a couple more of steps and continuing to listen. He did this for about five maybe ten minutes before deciding to confront whoever or whatever was following him. He turned around to come face to face with a camel. A drooling, slobbering, dumbfounded camel.
“What do you want?” Preston asked.
It just smiled at him. Making a sound that somewhat resembled laughter.
“What’s so....?”
That’s when Preston smelled something and looked down at his shoes.
“Oh man. I don’t suppose it’s yours?” Preston took off his shoes while trying not touch the fowl substance.
The camel just made the same laughing sound.
“Yea, real funny.” Preston grumbled, tossing his shoes a side. “Guess I have to go barefoot.”
The camel started to nudge him. Almost knocking him flat on his rear.
“Isn’t it bad enough I stepped in it?” Preston began to argue. “What do you want me to sit in it as well?”
The camel continued to nudge. Trying to push him over to something. Causing him to trip over it but not fall. Preston noticed a black strap sticking out of the sand and couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. He bent down to pick it up. Only to pull out a sand covered backpack. An all too familiar backpack.
“This is Saturn’s. But where is she?” Preston looked around.
My cell phone went off in my bag and Preston answered it. It was Jordan calling.
“What Yankee?” Preston asked.
“Why do you have Saturn’s phone?” Jordan replied. “Where’s Saturn?”
“Sleeping. Can you believe I wore the poor thing out.” Preston deviously lied. “Why do you ask?”
“You’ve what?!?” Jordan growled.
“She said I was the best. Called me an Adonis. A Southern Adonis, I do believe.”
“Bull. Saturn wouldn’t say crap like that.”
“How would you know?”
“I’ve read her journal. I know.”
“Hey, I’ve read her journal too.” Preston argued.
“The black one?” Jordan pointed out.
“Well....uh no.”
“Thought so. So where is she?”
“I don’t know where she is. I did however find her camp or what was left of it. Why what’s going on? Is she in any kind of trouble I should know about?”
“Not that we know of. However, her father might be.”
“What?” Preston sounded surprised.
“Look, just stay where you are till we get there.” Jordan quickly changed the subject.
“I am capable of finding Saturn on my own.” Preston argued.
“Like hell you are. Just stay put.” Jordan growled, trying not to lose his patience.
“What afraid she might actually enjoy my company for once?” Preston remarked, sounding devious.
“No, I just don’t feel like bringing back a body.” Jordan bluntly replied.
“A body? Whose body?”
“Guess. You try anything with her and she’d break your neck.”
“No, she wouldn’t. You’re just jealous.”
“Saturn wants me. I can tell.”
“Yea. She wants you like a cat wants a flea.” Thief spoke up in the background, over hearing the conversation.
“Please you’re all just jealous.” Preston scoffed.
“You’re so full of....” Jordan began to say before Berls said something that Preston couldn’t hear.
A few seconds had gone by and Jordan started to laugh.
“What? What’s so funny?” Preston asked.
“Nothing. Berls just told me I should bring ya some shoes.” Jordan answered. “Said you stepped in something. Man, your life is just full of....”
“Don’t go there.” Preston growled.
“Look Texan, just stay put.” Jordan responded, ignoring his poor attempt to threaten. “We’ll be there as soon as we can.”
“I’m looking for Saturn.” Preston said, speaking slower. “Do you understand you damn Yankee?”
“What did you call me? Wait, Saturn taught you that didn’t she?”
“No. I know she taught because she always says it. Now what does it mean? I demand to know. Tell me.” Preston snapped at him.
“Look it up.” Jordan calmly responded before hanging up on Preston.
Preston threw my phone across the desert sand. Grumbling under his breath and looking around. Until my phone went off again. Preston raised an eyebrow as he went over and picked it up. Brushing the sand off of it, he answered.
“Where is she?” The person on the other end demanded.
“Who is this?” Preston asked.
“Answer my question you mere mortal.” The person now snarled.
“Answer mine first.” Preston responded in his deep southern accent.
“I’m the one whose gonna save her from death. Now where is she?”
“Death? What the hell are you talking about?”
“I can’t say.”
“Why not?”
“Because I made a promise.”
“A promise to who?” Preston sounded puzzled.
“Her father.” The person flatly answered.

Meanwhile, Alex and I were walking through the desert. Heading for the city of Jerusalem. I was still thinking about what Alex had asked of me. I was also surprised that he was Zero’s older brother. Who would have thought a muse would have a brother. Especially if that muse happens to be Zero. Which made me start to question how that could even be possible. I was always told muses were created from the minds of writers, poets, singers, actors, etc. That they had no family.
“He was an angel at one point.” Alex spoke up, reading my mind. “He lost that privilege along with his wings when he became Lucifer’s muse.”
“But how....?”
“He fell like Lucifer did. He just fell for different reasons.”
“So did your brother tell you about me?” I asked.
“No. I knew about your existence since the day you were born. I’ve even heard the tales of your travels. And of course, your battles as well. My father even told me of the time when you were a baby and he was watching you. Said you found out you had wings and decided to fly around naked throughout the planet of Saturn. He told me it was a pain and a half trying to catch you.”
“Wait, your father? You don’t mean....”
Azrael for those of you who don’t know, is the Angel of Death. Not an archangel like my father. Azrael is the one who assists or use to assist my father when it came to collecting souls for Heaven. Their the ones that fought the soul Collectors and probably Stealers as well from Hell. He was also my father’s best friend and even fought in the war on Saturn. He was one of the few that did survive. And I also think he was the one who convinced God to bring me back from the dead. To even give me the First Seal. Granted, God was probably going to do it anyway but, I think Azrael gave God the assurance he needed. Because let’s face it folks, I was no saint in my past life. Even though my father was an archangel, it didn’t stop me from getting into trouble.
“Azrael never told me he had a son much less two of them.” I pointed out.
“You’re kidding. I ‘m surprised you don’t remember. We use to play together when we were little. You punched me when I took your doll.” Alex replied.
“Yea, well I don’t remember. I guess it’s something I blocked.”
“I heard you’ve been trying to forget your past but your Seal won’t let you.”
“It won’t let me forget the war on Saturn.” I corrected him. “I can choose to forget other things if I want to.”
“Even our first kiss.” Alex deviously grinned, as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye.
I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him like he had lost his mind. He turned to look at me as a smug expression crossed his face.
“You don’t remember, do you?” He asked.
“No, I don’t.”
“Funny, because I do.”
“For the love of.... not another one.” I grumbled, lowering my head and shaking it somewhat. “And I thought it was bad when I had to deal with the Texan.”
“Oh yes, the Texan. Or I should say Preston. I’ve heard about him also. Along with your Poetry Familia, Westies, the Seal carriers and of course your boy toy. Jordan I believe it is.”
“What!?! Who the hell told you that?” I growled.
“Rumor has it.”
“Well, it’s a lie. He’s married. I don’t mess with married men. And besides, we’re only friends.” I pointed out.
“Wait, he got married? When did that happen?”
“Right before that thing with Apollyon went down.”
“And he’s not living with his wife. For shame.”
“Well, he’s helping the familia out by letting us stay with him. But him and Berls talked and he might give up the house to the familia. Seeing as the one that Berls is trying to get built keeps having problems. Anyway, if he does he then can go move in with his girl and son.” I began to explain. “And....wait, why the hell am I telling you all of this? Look, let’s just get to Jerusalem.”
“Fine with me.” Alex shrugged his shoulders as he turned around and started to walk away.
“Lord, I swear every man in my life....” I whisper under my breath, feeling a headache coming on.
Jordan sat back in his plane seat. Trying to get some sleep. Him and the others were now on a private plane to Jerusalem. While the familia sat up front in first class so to speak, Jordan took a seat in the back. Away from everybody else. He had a lot to deal with and right now he felt like being alone. His eyes were closed only for a few minutes before Michael sat down in the seat next to him. Tossing a folder in Jordan’s lap.
“Wake up sunshine, we’ve gotta talk.” Michael said.
“What’s this?” Jordan yawned, flipping through the pages in the folder.
“They call themselves The Brothers of Hierarchy. They are sons of Seraphims. They however have fallen and because of it their own fathers have had no choice but to turn their backs.”
“And why are you telling me this?” Jordan asked, looking over the pictures of each member.
“They fell because they helped Lucifer supposedly win the war on Saturn.”
Jordan raised an eyebrow. Looking at Michael out of the corner of his eye.
“Their after her.” Michael continued, knowing what he was thinking. “And not only because she carries the First Seal but, because she’s a half-breed.”
“I don’t....”
“They think all half-breeds are imperfections. Well, the females anyway.”
“So how many female half-breeds are there?”Jordan questioned, closing the folder.
“Only one.”
“That explains a lot.”
“There’s more however.” Michael stated. “Saturn’s father was the Seraphim of Death before he stepped down as Archangel. If he hadn’t he wouldn’t have been able to fully rule the planet of Saturn or stay with his family.”
“Because Seraphims are suppose to stay in Heaven.”
“But Isis....”
“She’s a different story. God has plans for her on earth. You and I both know that.”
“Wait, wait, wait. I thought God gave Saturn’s dad the planet to rule as reward for saving Him and Heaven.” Jordan pointed out.
“He did.” Michael calmly replied.
“Then how could....”
“God gave Saturn’s father two options. To either watch over Saturn and stay a Seraphim or to rule Saturn and become the Archangel of Death.”
“So what made him decide to step down?” Jordan asked.
“He had his eye on a little Saturnite girl.” Michael grinned some. “Actually, half of the male angel population had their eyes on her.”
“Let me guess, Saturn’s mom.”
“Yup. She was a little over nineteen and the leader of the Saturnite colony. Before Saturn’s father ruled, the place was a wasteland. And the only one in charge was Saturn’s mother.” Michael started to remember. “Her mother was a fighter and packed a punch. When she met Saturn’s father, she slugged him pretty good.”
“Nothing like true love.” Jordan sarcastically remarked.
“Hey, he shouldn’t have spied on her while she was bathing. He had it coming.” Michael pointed out. “Besides her father sometimes had a way of being a....”
“A smartass.” Jordan knew what he was going to say.
“Uh, you could put it that way.”
“Now I know where Saturn gets it from.”
“Yea, like father like daughter.”
“So does Saturn know her father was a Seraphim at one point?” Jordan asked.
“No. She was never told. As a matter of fact, there’s a reason why she wasn’t.” Michael answered, thinking about it.
“Let me guess because she’s suppose to take over where her father left off.” Jordan bluntly responded. “Become the next Archangel of Death.”
“Ah, grasshopper learns quick.” Michael remarked, with a sly grin.
“I’ve put bits and pieces of what was told me together. That and....”
“And what?”
“I observe.”
“Ah, that’s why grasshopper stays quiet sometimes. I always did wonder about that.”
“Yea, well Saturn isn’t easy to work with either.” Jordan shrugged his shoulders.
“Tell me about it.” Michael shook his head. “I have to be careful what I say around her. Or I end up picking myself up off the ground.”
That’s when Slayer cleared her throat. Both Jordan and Michael looked up to see her standing in the aisle in front of them with her arms crossed. Shaking her head in disappointment.
“If she heard you two right now....” Slayer started to say.
“Hey, we still love her.” Michael interrupted. “It’s just she’s difficult to deal with sometimes.”
“It’s no picnic working with you.” Slayer retorted. “Nor your son.”
“You leave the boy out of this, woman.” Michael warned.
“Or what? Did we forget I do out rank you.” Slayer remarked.
“What do you want?” Michael quickly changed the subject.
“Did you tell him yet?” She asked.
“Tell him what? About the Hierarchy. Yea.”
“Saturn’s father?”
Oh, that thing I thought Gabriel was going to.” Michael said.
“Gabriel is busy with Nega. Their talking about something.” Slayer answered. “Gabs assures me it’s important though.”
“Well, when did it become my job....”
“Would someone just tell me!” Jordan exclaimed, getting a headache.
“Nega has been working for Saturn’s father.” Michael replied.
“Not that.....for the love of....and you talk about Saturn.” Slayer shook her head.
“Then you tell him, woman.”
“I’ll tell him.” A hooded figure spoke up, sitting across the aisle from Jordan and Michael.
“Azrael.” Slayer blushed, giggling.
“For all that is....” Michael began to say. “Do you have to be so dramatic when you make an entrance?”
“Jealous, Michael?” Azrael remarked.
“Bite me.”
“Such language coming from an Archangel.”
“Hey, I’ve head some pretty harsh words come out of your mouth. So don’t go there.”
“Slayer, you’re looking lovely as always.” Azrael now decided to ignore Michael.
“Typical. I’m out of here.” Michael said, vanishing into thin air.
Azrael finally pulled his hood back. Lighting up a cigar with the tip of his finger as he smoked. Slayer couldn’t help but stare. And who could blame her. The guy looked like he could be Matthew McConaughey’s twin brother. I mean with the soulful eyes and the rough bad boy look who would have thought the Angel of Death could be a Romeo.
“Slayer hon, do you mind?” Azrael asked. “I wanna talk to Jordan alone.”
“Yea, sure.” She agreed, continuing to giggle as she went up front, closing the curtain behind her.
“I tried to talk to the Texan.” Azrael stated. “Didn’t get nowhere with him. So I’m hoping you’ll listen to what I have to tell you.”
“I’m listening.” Jordan looked over at him.
“I use to work with Saturn’s father a long time ago. We were friends and have remained so since. I made a promise to him. I think we all have in one way or another.” Azrael laughed a bit. “He loves his daughter. And I guess knowing how he is, he’d do anything to make sure she was safe. Even have everyone he knows or has come across and trust promise to protect his little girl.”
“Why hasn’t he seen her?” Jordan bluntly questioned.
“He couldn’t. He wanted to.”Azrael answered. “But he couldn’t. Not with what’s going on and is about to happen. The leader of the Hierarchy isn’t just the son of a Seraphim.”
“Then what....?”
“He’s the next ruler of Hell. The one that will start the Great War. You humans refer to him as the Anti-Christ.” Azrael explained, continuing to smoke his cigar. “He’s also Lucy’s son.”
Wait, I thought....” Jordan sounded confused
“You thought wrong.” Azrael quickly interrupted, reading his mind. “He’s using Saturn’s father as bait to lure Saturn. Because as long as she’s alive, he can’t touch the rest of you Seals. He’s using the Hierarchy’s hate for half-breeds especially for Saturn as fuel. Not only to get rid of her but in some way to get revenge as well.”
“For his father’s death.” Jordan interrupted.
“Bingo.” Azrael replied.
“So what’s his name?”
“Satan but he likes to be called Cain.”
“Wait, wait, wait. I thought Lucy was Satan?”
“Uh. You humans need to study things more clearly.” Azrael pointed out, not surprised one bit. “No, Lucifer was Lucifer. Even though you humans like to call him Satan sometimes. Something I’ll never truly understand because it states clearly in Revelations.... Oh that’s right, I forgot mankind mis-translated that part. Anyway, Satan is Lucifer’s son. And very dangerous. More dangerous than his father.”
Phoenix now peeked through the curtain to get a look at Azrael. She didn’t believe Slayer when she told her that he looked like Matthew McConaughey. She had to see it for herself.
“Oh my god. He is!” Phoenix exclaimed, sounding like a high school girl. “He’s so cute.”
“I told you.” Slayer replied, somewhere behind her.
Jordan and Azrael just looked at each other and then over at the curtain as Phoenix walked through. Making her way towards Azrael and sitting down next to him.
“So what’s your name?” She asked, in her southern belle accent.
“Azrael.” He answered. “Phoenix doll, do you mind? I need to talk to Jordan alone.”
Wait, how do you know my name?”
“ I know everyone’s name. It’s part of my job.”
“Huh? What kind of job do you....”
“I’m the Angel of Death.”Azrael bluntly interrupted. “And yes, I’m married.”
“How did you...?” Phoenix was shocked.
“I read your sweet southern belle mind.”
Phoenix giggled and began to bat her eyelashes.
“I’m sure your wife wouldn’t mind if you were just doing a little bit of harmless flirting.” She said, being coy.
“You don’t know my wife.” Azrael remarked.
“Please what could she do?”
“She’s a high rank angel. So high rank that if someone was to mess with her husband, she could have them sent to the Abyss with the snap of her fingers.”
“She wouldn’t....”
“She would.” Azrael smoked his cigar. “Question is, would you be willing to take that risk?”
“I think I hear Slayer calling me.” Phoenix responded, getting up and leaving.
“Works every time.” Azrael grinned.
“Your wife wouldn’t really do that to her?” Jordan asked.
“Yea, she would. She gets jealous easily.”
“I thought angels weren’t suppose to get jealous.”
“Well, she does. Has been that way for one-hundred and thirty thousand years.”
“Tell me about it. You think being married that long, she would stop harping about wet towels on the floor.”
“Has she?”
“So what do I have to do to get rid of Satan?” Jordan asked, changing the subject.
“It’s not what you have to do.” Azrael corrected him. “It’s what you and the other four need to do.”
“Other four?”
“Joe, Ravyn, Preston and, Tom.”
“Are you sure about this?” Alex asked me, as we entered the city of Jerusalem.
“Yea.” I answered, smoking a cigar.
“Are you positive? I mean we’re getting looks.”
“We’re getting looks because you refuse to hide your wings.” I growled. “And don’t ever question what I do. I fought demons in the depths of hell while you were playing golf with Gesu on a course somewhere. I know what I’m doing.”
“Yea, but this is suicide. What if one of the members of the Hierarchy sees us?” Alex pointed out.
“Look, I’m not going to hide in fear from a group of spoiled brats. Who think that just because their daddies are Seraphims it gives them a right to pass judgement or even scare others.” I continued to growl.
“There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you about the leader, Saturn.”
“I know.”
“What, you know?”
“But how?”
“I sensed it.” Looking down at my hand as it began to glow.
“Oh. Can I ask you something?” Alex questioned.
“Why did you let Apollyon go? Why didn’t you kill him like the others?”
“Because everyone deserves a second chance.”
“But you didn’t do the same for Azazel, Berburos or, Lucifer.”
I stopped dead in my tracks. Not looking at Alex as I continued to smoke my cigar.
“Apollyon showed the one thing they didn’t.” I finally responded
“Which is?” Alex asked.
“What does that have do to with....” Alex started to say.
“It’s rare for a demon to show remorse.” I explained. “When they do, the least anyone can do is give them a chance.”
“Sounds to me like you were showing mercy. If I were you I would have let the Abyss have him.”
That’s when Alex found himself being slammed up against a wall. With a set of claws pointed at his jugular.
“Don’t ever tell me what the hell you would have done. You weren’t there.” I growled, in a low tone. “And if you think it was easy for me to make the decision that I did. Then you’re nothing more than a damn fool. Who needs to keep his mouth shut.”
“Saturn, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to....” Alex tried to apologize, scared out of his mind.
I quickly let him go.
“Forget it.” I responded, walking away as I sheathed my claws.
We wandered through the streets. Looked in alleyways. Almost anywhere and everywhere. Trying to find a member of the Hierarchy. I figured if we could find one we could follow them back to their hideout.
“So you never had those claws on Saturn.” Alex brought up.
“People change.” I replied.
“Yea, I heard you’ve become a famous writer.”
“Famous? That’s funny, I never think of it like that.”
“Well, others do.”
“Uh-huh. I could care less what others think.” I retorted.
“So I’ve noticed.” Alex grinned a little. “Just like your father.”
“Nothing. It’s just you....”
“I what?” I now turned on him.
“Forget it. Never mind.” He took a step back, afraid of what I might do.
I focused my attention once again on finding a Hierarchy member. A few seconds passed before a roaring sound filled the air of the city.
“What’s that?” Alex asked.
I sniffed the air a little. Picking up on a all too familiar scent.
“Damn it.” I swore in a low growl.
“Let’s go.” I quickly unsheathed my claws.
Beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is where the Hierarchy dwelled. They had made their
community complete with passageways upon passageways. Cain now sat at the head of a dining table in the dining hall. The table could have easily extended to the size of a football field, give or take. At the other end of the table was his second in command. The one who had lead the group against me earlier. His name was Leviathan. And he was not only the son of a Seraphim but a fallen angel as well. Most of the Hierarchy is. Most. That’s why God disapproves of what they do because He knows exactly who they are and what their about. Which is anything but good. Leviathan is the supposed Grand Admiral of Hell. Meaning he’s the one that makes sure the army of hell trains non-stop and is in tip top shape. He rarely fights in any battle however. He likes to remain on the sidelines and watch. Besides, that’s Baal’s job. After all, he is the Commanding General. Not to mention a fellow member of the Hierarchy as well. What ever order Leviathan gives him. Baal has to follow. It can get quite confusing with sixty-four legions though. Too many Generals and Commanders and not enough soldiers, if you ask me. Maybe that’s why they keep losing their battles because everyone feels the need to flex their muscle rather than actually fight.
“I failed to capture her.” Leviathan said. “However, there are reports that she’s in the city. If you give the word, I’ll....”
“No, you won’t.”Cain cut him off. “Have her find us.”
“”But if she does.... you remembered what happens when she corners her enemies.” Leviathan pointed out.
“I know.”
“And her Seal....”
“I KNOW!” Cain roared, shaking the walls of the room.
Leviathan sat back a little in his chair. Trying to hide his fear from Cain. Usually he wasn’t afraid of anything but Cain was something to fear. He couldn’t quite figure him out like Lucifer or any of the other high powered demons of the past. And that alone scared him.
“My dear friend, we have an advantage over her.” Cain now said, in a calm demeanor.
“And that would be?” Leviathan asked.
“Bring him in.” Cain ordered a demon, standing guard at the door.
The demon brought my father in. Having him take a seat at the table, in between Leviathan and Cain. It looked like he had the tar beaten out of him. Bloody and bruised, Leviathan could tell this was anything but good.
“Yosef” Leviathan said in Aramaic.
My father looked over at him out of the corner of his eye with a slight smile.
“Long time no see, Levi.” My father responded in a rasp voice, trying not to cough up any more blood. “Never thought you’d work for junior over here.”
“I had no choice. I wanted to keep my position in hell.” Leviathan answered.
“I see. Politics then.”
“ENOUGH!” Cain roared, shaking the walls again.
“Look Cain....” Leviathan began to speak up.
“No, you’ll do as I say. I did not hire you as an advisor.” Cain sneered.
“No, but you need one. Badly.” Leviathan grinned some. “Or is that a babysitter? I get those two confused.”
“Good old Levy.” My father started to chuckle a little, coughing as he did so.
“I can kill you as easily as I let you live, Leviathan.” Cain growled, baring his fangs. “If I didn’t need you, you’d be dead.”
“And I’m trying to tell you what you just did with kidnaping Saturn’s father over there. Only a fool would attempt.” Leviathan remarked. “If there’s one thing any demon learned from the mistakes of Berburos, Apollyon and, your father. It’s not to go after Saturn’s family. You put his life in danger or use him as a pawn for your sick plan and Saturn will have your head.”
“That’s absurd.”
“Oh is it? Have you seen the ways she had re-acted when someone threatened the lives of those in the Poetry Familia?” Leviathan stated. “Mark my words Cain, screw with her bloodline and you’re asking for death.”
“You give her too much credit.” Cain snarled.
“And you give her too little. Don’t under estimate her. The others did including your father.”
“I’m not like the others.” Cain pounded his fist on the table in anger. “ I know what I’m doing.”
“For your sake, I hope so. Or we’re all dead.”
“I thought the Grand Admiral of Hell feared nothing or no one.” Cain mocked.
“I don’t but Saturn isn’t no one. She’s something.” Leviathan corrected him.
Preston and the camel were a few miles away from Jerusalem when a plane landed before them. Kicking up sand as it did so. When everything had finally settled, Preston was literally inches away from the nose of the plane.
“Now there’s something you don’t see every day.” He sarcastically remarked.
“So did you find Saturn?” He heard someone speak up from behind him.
Preston turned around only to see Michael standing a few feet away.
“So did you?” Michael asked again.
“No. I was about to when all of ya showed up.” Preston answered, in his southern accent.
The others were now getting off the plane. Walking over towards Preston and Michael.
“Hey, who’s your girlfriend?” Bags asked Preston, noticing the camel.
“Funny.” Preston replied, not the least bit amused.
“Saturn might get jealous if she found out.” Jordan said, with a sly grin.
“Oh, like your wife does when you’re flirting with Saturn.” Preston retorted.
Jordan just let out a low growl.
“It cuts both ways, Yankee.” Preston pointed out.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Jordan continued to growl. “So shut the hell up.”
“Oh, but I think I do.”
“No, you don’t. You’re just jealous because she’d rather confide in me than you.”
“Hey, she talks to me.”
“About her past? About her family? About her?”
“Well no but...I never understood why she would always want to talk to you anyway.”
“Because unlike you, I actually listen and I don’t try to get in her pants.”
“Ouch.” Thief remarked, shaking his head.
“Yea, but you’ve stolen her journal.” Preston brought up.
“So have you.” Jordan calmly responded. “And every other damn Westie boy here.”
“Hey, how does he....” Drew started to say.
“Saturn isn’t stupid.” Michael interrupted him. “She knew you guys were reading her journal. That’s why she planted a fake one for you boys. The only one who was reading the real deal was Jordan.”
“But why would she....” Fox began to ask
“Because she knew that unlike you boys, Jordan wouldn’t use what he read against her. Or try to black mail her.” Michael replied.
“Hey, we wouldn’t do that!” Bags protested.
“Yea, we have more class than that.” E.T. said.
“Bull. My son told me you guys would black mail your own mothers for beer.” Michael crossed his arms.
“Only if we needed to.” I.O. corrected him. “And it wouldn’t be our mothers. Maybe a family member but not our mothers.”
“Uh huh.”
“Speaking of Jay. Didn’t he get on the plane with us?” Bags asked.
“Yea, he did. But I had him go take care of something for me.” Michael explained.
Preston noticed Azrael and couldn’t help but wonder. And like any good old Texan boy he was going to insert his foot in his mouth once again.
“Who the hell are you?” He questioned Azrael.
“Someone you’ll get to know real well in about twenty years.” Azrael sarcastically remarked.
“Wait, what?”
“He’s the Angel of Death, you dip.” Leysa rolled her eyes.
“I knew that.” Preston replied.
“Of course you did.”
“So what are you doing here?” Preston asked Azrael, ignoring Leysa.
“He’s going to help.” Jordan spoke up.
“Sure he isn’t after Saturn? Maybe even has a thing for her.” Preston raised an eyebrow, somewhat suspicious.
“No, I’m not.” Azrael bluntly answered.
“Yea right. You probably....”
Before Preston could finish, he found himself being lifted off the ground. Floating in mid-air as the pressure to his lungs felt like they were going to implode.
“Listen carefully you mere mortal.” Azrael growled in a non-human tone. “Saturn’s father is my best friend. He’s almost like a brother to me. I think of his daughter as one of my own. So before you open your big mouth, you should think twice. Or else you’ll find out first hand how fast death can come.”
“Azrael.” Michael sounded worried, noticing that Preston was turning blue in the face.
“Yea, yea.” Azrael sneered, waving his hand and allowing Preston to breathe again as he fell to the ground. “He’s lucky he’s a Seal carrier or I would have done worse.”
Jay had been following Alex and I through the streets of Jerusalem. All the while, making sure to keep a look out for any Hierarchy member. He knew all to well what they were about long before anyone else. When he had become a full fledge angel he was told the whole story of the Hierarchy. Not only by Michael but by Metatron as well. Who is Metatron you ask. Let’s just say he’s a very powerful Seraphim. The highest ranked as a matter of fact. He’s the only Seraphim that has thirty-six wings and he also knows the secrets of Creation, the duration of time the world has and what will happen after that time is up. He has a brother Sandalphon. Who happens to be the Archangel of Life. Other than that, Metatron’s life including his past is somewhat of a mystery. Except however for a rumor. One started by mankind. Apparently, Metatron and Sandalphon were human before they had become angels and that they had gone by different names back then. It has yet to be proven wether or not it’s true. But I’m sure in time it will be. Just like everything else. Oh by the way, did I forget to mention that Metatron and I met once. We didn’t exactly see eye to eye when we did. And we’ve pretty much kept our distance from one another ever since. Jay knew what happened between Metatron and I. That’s something a lot of other angels had told him. He just has never once ever let me know that he knew. He was always to afraid to even say Metatron’s name around me. But I knew that he knew. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. I mean once you become a full fledge angel you know all the who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s and, why’s in heaven. Including all that happens on earth.
“Can I ask you something?”Alex spoke up, as we continued to walk through the streets.
“Hasn’t stopped you before.” I replied.
“What exactly did happen between you and Metatron?”
“Dead man.” Jay thought to himself, shaking his head.
“What do you mean?” I asked, playing dumb.
“Well, everyone in heaven has heard the story about you and Metatron in a fight. So what happened?” Alex questioned.
“Why do you want to know?” Sniffing the air for Hierarchy members.
“Just curious.”
“What has Metatron said?”
“He isn’t saying anything.”
“I see. Well, it’s just like the old man to stay quiet. Probably holding a grudge.”
“Angels don’t hold grudges.” Alex pointed out.
“Metatron isn’t no ordinary angel.” I replied. “He can hold a grudge. Trust me.”
“So what was the fight about?”
“You’ll have to ask him.”
“But he won’t....”
A Hierarchy member now made his presence known as he walked past Alex and I. Staring directly back at us before continuing on his way.
“Saturn?” Alex asked, noticing the look on my face.
“We need to follow him.” I said, keeping my eyes fixed on the member.
“What if it’s a trap?”
Last edited by LadySaturn on Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:40 pm


“It is.”
“Then why go?”
“Because the bastard has my father.”
The Seal in my hand began to glow. Spreading though out my body as it did so. Alex took a step back, not believing what he was seeing. Jay who was also watching, just shrugged his shoulders.
“Seen it before. Nothing new.” He remarked.
“You have to admit though. It does bring out her beauty.” Someone spoke up, from behind Jay.
Jay quickly turned around to see a mortal Zero standing there with his arms crossed.
“Not like she needed any Seal to do that for her anyway.” He continued, with a sly grin.
“What do you want?” Jay sneered, stretching out his wings as he changed his hand into a metallic sword.
“Not to fight you, junior. So don’t worry.” Zero calmly answered. “I’ve come to help.”
“You’re mortal with no powers and as I recall you were working for the bad guys the last time I knew.” Jay argued. “What on earth makes you think you can help?”
“I have respect for Saturn. No one should have to go through what Cain will do to her.”
“What do you mean do?”
“He kidnaped her father as part of a trap. He’s luring Saturn to her trial and most definitely her death.”
“The Hierarchy is planning to put Saturn on trial.” Zero explained.
“For what?” Jay looked puzzled.
“Killing Lucifer.”
“There’s no way....”
“Jay, they’re part of Hell. Their leader is the son of Lucifer. Cain is Satan and also the....”
“The what?!?”
“The Anti-Christ.”
Jay took a step back. Not believing what he was being told. To him it was like a slap in the face.
“No. Then that would mean he’s the one whose going to start the....”
“Great War.” Zero finished for him.
“You still can’t help.” Jay snapped back at him. “I mean whose to say you won’t go tell the enemy what we’re up to.”
“Hell kicked me out. I’m mortal and Cain almost killed me. I highly doubt I want to play traitor.” Zero retorted.
“What do you mean almost killed you?”
“Let’s just say if Apollyon had took my power as well as my immortality. I’d be dead.”
“Tell me about it. So can I play soldier or no?”
“Soldier?” Jay raised an eyebrow.
“That’s what you angels call yourselves now a days. Is it not?” Zero questioned.
“Well yea....” Jay started to reply.
“Good. So where is your familia? The others so to speak.”
Preston who had now trailed behind the others as they made their way to Jerusalem. Couldn’t help but glare at Azrael the whole way. Azrael noticed what he was doing but chose to ignore him.
“You keep glaring and he’ll shorten your life span.” Gabriel advised Preston, walking by him.
“I don’t care.” Preston grumbled. “I don’t like him. There’s something not right about him.”
“You’re just mad because he handed your butt to you on a platter.” Michael replied.
“No, that’s not it. I’m telling you something isn’t right.”
“Look, I’ve know Azrael for forever. He’s cool, trust me. Unless you play poker with him. Then you should watch his hands very carefully. And anyway, if I were you I’d worry about his son.”
“Why? What does his son....”
“His son Alex is Saturn’s first kiss. Her first beau, you could say. Long before Kris came around.” Michael grinned some.
“So I don’t see what this has to do with....”
“Alex still has feelings for Saturn. Always has.”
“So who do you think is with Saturn as we speak? Their probably making up for lost time.”
Preston stopped dead in his tracks. His face growing red as he balled his hands into fists. Causing his Seal to glow it’s green hue. Bags couldn’t help but be the first to notice.
“You okay, man?” He asked.
“We need to find her.” Preston clenched his teeth, as his Seal glowed even brighter.
“We will soon.”
“No, We need to find her now!”
Slayer looked over at Michael who had a sly grin on his face. He was getting a kick out of Preston’s reaction. Which in turn made Slayer raise an eyebrow.
“Michael.” She said, crossing her arms. “What did you do?”
“Why do you always assume it’s me?” Michael replied, trying to act offended.
“Because ninety-nine point nine percent of the time it is you. Now what did you do?”
“Look, I just told him about Alex.” He tried to play innocent.
“Michael, Michael, Michael.” Slayer shook her head. “When will you ever learn?”
“I just told him the truth. It’s not like I put any images in his head or gave him any ideas as to what might be going on.”
“No, but you added fuel to the fire.”
“You know how.”
“No, I don’t. You need to get off my back once in a while, woman.” Michael argued. “Just because you’re a Power, doesn’t give you the right to always blame me for everything.”
“Wanna bet? You send Lucy to Hell and you think that gives you the right to do whatever you want.” Slayer retorted.
“Excuse me, but I saved Heaven that day. Least we forget.”
“What did you call me?”
“You heard me. You’re egotistical.”
“Please, you’re just jealous.” Michael shrugged her off.
“Powers don’t get jealous.” Slayer reminded him. “You know that.”
“True. Normally but you’re jealous because I sent Lucy to Hell and you didn’t.” Michael said, with a smug expression.
“You have officially lost your mind!” Slayer exclaimed.
“Michael.” Gabriel warned.
“No Gabs, let me take care of this.” As Michael got closer to Slayer.
“Hey, you get in trouble you’re on your own, man.” Gabriel replied. “And if God asks, I’m pointing Him in your direction. That’s if you’re still breathing.”
“So Slayer, if you’re not jealous of that.” Michael continued with her, ignoring Gabriel. “What is it exactly? Ah, I know. You’ve got a crush on me.”
“I’ve got a what?!? Exactly how old are you, Michael?” Slayer asked.
“Face it, you have feelings for me. That’s why you’re always hanging around me.”
“I’m hanging around you because if Saturn isn’t around to keep you out of trouble I have to.” Slayer pointed out.
“When have I ever got in trouble?”
“Do you really wanna go there?”
“Okay then.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that you want me however.” Michael deviously grinned.
“Unbelievable.” Slayer grumbled, shaking her head.
“Um guys, I hate to interrupt your little conversation but we’ve got company.”Erika spoke up, looking around. “Jordan, is it....?”
“Yea, it is.” Jordan unsheathed his claws, sniffing the air a little. “Hold up.”
“What?” Spaz asked. “What is it?”
“Azrael....” Jordan began to say.
“I sense it too.” Azrael responded, spreading his wings as he too looked around.
“Sense what? What is it?” Spaz asked again.
“Seraphim blood.” Jordan growled.
“Wait, how would you....?” Preston scratched his head.
“One word, Texan.” Jordan answered.
“And that is?”
“Is it her....?” Preston began to worry.
“No.” Jordan replied.
“Then who’s?”
“Her father’s.”
I stopped dead in my tracks as I sniffed the air. An all too familiar scent was filling my lungs causing me to have some sort of flashback.
“Saturn?” Alex asked.
“It’s nothing.” I shook my head a little. “Come on.”
We had now followed the Hierarchy member from earlier underground. Through the tunnels that were below the city to a private but rather large room. The member quickly soon disappeared from our sight within the shadows. Leaving Alex and I to stand alone in the middle of the room. Looking at each other and then all around. I spotted something in the corner of the room. A very dim light was shining on it. So I couldn’t exactly make out what it was until I got closer to it. I slowly walked over, not letting my guard down for a minute. Only to pick up a set of bloody wings that had apparently been cut off. Dripping with blood and mangled.
“Saturn?” I heard Alex say.
I just stood there. Letting the blood drip off of my fingers.
“I had to guarantee he wouldn’t escape.” Cain spoke up, stepping out of the shadows as the lights to the room came on.
Alex looked around the room. Noticing how we were surrounded by the Hierarchy.
“What is this?” He questioned, in a snarl.
“It’s Saturn’s trial. She has to answer to the Hierarchy. She has to answer for what she’s done.” Cain remarked. “For killing my father.”
“You can’t do this.” Alex argued.
“I can do whatever the hell I please.” Cain sneered.
“Where’s my father?” I demanded to know, still holding the wings.
“Oh that’s right before I forget.” Cain snapped his fingers as a few of the Hierarchy members threw my father to the ground, before my feet.
I quickly dropped the wings to check on him. Falling to my knees as I wrapped my arms around him. Noticing the wounds on his back. Cain tried to take a step towards me but Alex stood in his way.
“Move.” Cain growled in a demonic voice.
“Make me.” Alex calmly replied, spreading his wings.
As they began to fight, Jay and Zero made their presence known. Taking on a few of the Hierarchy members that were trying to jump Alex from behind.
“Play nice.” Jay snarled, throwing a member across the room.
“This coming from a Westie.” Zero pointed out.
“What was that?”
A loud boom filled the room as one of the walls had a giant hole blown out of it. Joe stepped through with the others right behind him.
“Told ya I knew a shortcut.” He sarcastically remarked.
“You blew a hole in the freaking wall.” Jeannie pointed out. “That doesn’t count as a shortcut.”
“Quit your complaining. He got us in.” Bags replied.
The others started to take on the other Hierarchy members that were around while Jordan looked over at me.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” Nega quickly volunteered. “You help Alex.”
Alex now got tossed a side like a rag doll while Cain tried to approach me once more. Cain took at least a couple of steps before he found himself quickly being blasted by a bright red flash of light. As a wall of red fire blocked him off from getting near me.
“T, did you....?” E.T. began to ask, not believing what he was seeing.
It looked like a red waterfall of fire rather than a wall by the way it acted.
“It isn’t me, man.” T answered, shaking his head a little.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at Jordan. He had his claws unsheathed and they were glowing a bright red. Ravyn sat on his shoulder. Glowing a grayish-black hue.
“Is it possible?” Tom uttered.
“Is what possible?” Drew overheard him.
“The Seals can combine their....”
Before Tom could finish his hand began to glow a orange hue. At the same time, Joe’s hand began to glow a blue hue and Preston’s a green hue.
“What the hell?” Bags raised an eyebrow.
“Help him.” Azrael said to Joe, Preston and, Tom
“How?” Tom asked.
“Use your Seals.”
Preston raised his hand slowly as his Seal added strength to the wall of fire. Tom did the same.
Causing the ground to shake as spikes of rock surrounded Cain.
“Cute. The mortals figured out their toys.” Cain sneered, taking out the rocks and fire with a wave of his hand.
Ravyn now used her Seal. Causing blisters and boils to break out on Cain’s skin. Eating away at his flesh down to the bone.
“Eww, gross.” Butters made a disgusting face.
Cain let out a roar. Fighting off the flesh eating disease. His skin began to heal as a devious grin crossed his face. Azrael looked over at Joe. Who in turn looked back at him.
“You know what you have to do.” Azrael said.
“I can’t.” Joe responded. “My Seal it’s....”
“I know what it is. But if you want to make sure Cain doesn’t lay a hand on Saturn. You have to use it.”
“Joe.” Jordan spoke up, sensing the fear rising off of him.
“I can’t do this. It’s too much to ask of me.” Joe shook his head. “It’s not me.”
“I don’t see what the big deal is. Just waste the dude and let’s go home.” Preston interrupted.
Gilly literally smacked Preston in the back of his head.
“That hurt, woman.” He turned on her.
“Good.” She answered.
“I know why he won’t use his Seal.” Pops spoke up.
“Why?” Berls asked.
“Because his is of death.”
“Wait, what?”
“Every Seal contains a certain symbol and power like Saturn’s. Jordan is that of war hence the fire. Tom’s is of natural disasters hence the earthquakes, lava and so forth. Preston’s is that of judgement and revenge hence the way it can tell when someone is lying or reinforce a wall of fire. While Ravyn’s is of plague and famine creating the blisters and boils and god knows what else that we saw. She also could probably wipe out a nation’s supply of food if she wanted to. Lord, there’s no telling. And if I’m not mistaken, Joe’s Seal is of Death meaning....” Pops stopped short of himself from finishing.
“He’s like the freaking Grim Reaper.” Drew spoke up.
“That’s one way of putting it.” Pops shrugged his shoulders.
Nega was now by my side as I continued to hold my father in my arms. He also kept making sure Cain wasn’t coming near me.
“Saturn....” Nega began to say.
“Jim, we have to get him out of here.” I cried. “We have to get him to a hospital.”
Nega took my father’s pulse and knew that no hospital could save him. It was too late.
“Saturn, he’s dead.”
“No!” I argued. “You take that back. Maybe if I use my Seal like I did with Apollyon. Damn it, why won’t my Seal work? Val! Val could bring him back.”
“No she can’t, doll. She has orders not to.” Nega said, in a calm manner.
“From who?!?” I demanded to know.
“Who do you think? He wanted it this way. He knew it was the only way to stop Cain. He had to die so you could become....”
“Your father was a fool.” Cain laughed, walking towards me. “However, what is that saying? Oh yes, an eye for an eye. You killed my father and I killed yours. Fair trade if you ask me.”
“Leave her alone.” Jordan growled, standing in Cain’s way as his claws began to glow a brighter shade of red.
“Now you decide to wage a war with me. You have some nerve, mortal. If you value your life you’ll move.”
“And if you value yours, you’ll keep your damn hands off of Saturn. Unless of course, you think your invincible. Then I’ll have no choice but to prove you wrong.”
“But I am invincible. I’m the Anti-Christ. The only one that will lead Hell into victory.” Cain deviously grinned. “I’m a god.”
“Funny, your father use to say the same crap till Saturn shut him the hell up permanently. I guess it’s my turn to shut his kid up once and for all.” Jordan sneered.
Alex snuck up behind Cain. Trying to jump him until Leviathan stood behind Cain. Protecting him from any such attack.
“Leviathan.” Alex said.
“Alex.” Leviathan replied.
“You can’t let him do this. Granted, you’ve fallen but even you know this is wrong.” Alex remarked.
“I’m just doing my job.” Leviathan answered.
“Bull. You’re just afraid to stand up to him. You’re a coward.”
“No, he isn’t.” Cain responded, keeping his eyes on Jordan. “He just knows how to follow orders like a good little puppet should.”
“Is it me or is this ass full of himself?” Thief spoke up.
“So true, bro.” Sam replied. “So true.”
“Far from being a Westie, though.” Thief stated.
“He wouldn’t even survive as one.” E.T. pointed out. “He’s too full of....”
“Hey, hey, hey.” Ven crossed her arms, shaking her head.
“What? I was gonna say cow poo.”
“Sure you were.”
I slowly got to my feet as I walked towards Cain. Unsheathing my claws as I did so.
“Saturn, don’t.” Nega tried to grab my arm.
I just shook him off and kept on walking. Jordan tried to get in my way and I pushed him a side.
I stood face to face with Cain.
“Willing to accept death, I see.” Cain grinned.
I didn’t say a word. I just embraced Cain. His skin soon began to burn and he quickly pushed me away. Looking down at the blood on him.
“You can’t kill me!” He argued, trying to stop the burning.
“Wanna bet? Yeshua isn’t the only one who can get rid of you.” I sneered. “You already took away the only answers I could ever have known away from me. You took away my life and I’m taking away yours.”
“You’re a half-breed. What could you possibly do?” Cain laughed.
“Correction I was.” As a bright white aura surrounded me. “Funny thing, after I battled Apollyon something had happened to me. I did some research to find out exactly what it was. I put two and two together. And well, did you know before my father was an Archangel, he was a Seraphim. A Seraphim. Who would have thought it? I mean he kept that so well hidden from his family it was almost impossible for me to dig up but I did.”
“You’ve lost your mind.” Cain started to take a step back.
“Far from it.” I deviously grinned, as a set of three wings appeared on each side of my back.
“What the...?” Preston began to say as his eyes got big.
“This is too weird.” Spaz responded. “I mean I’ve seen weird but this takes the cake.”
Thief looked over at Gabriel who stood there with a smile on his face.
Wanna fill us in?” He asked him.
“Uh yea. A minor mistake. Seems Saturn isn’t the Archangel of Death.” Gabriel answered.
“Then what?”
“She’s the Seraphim of Death.” Jordan spoke up, as his senses went off. “Which would explain the change in her scent.”
“Seraphim blood. She had it before but now it’s stronger.”
“It would also explain the wings.” Bags commented.
“So you finally come full circle.” Cain snarled at me. “Good for you. You still can’t touch me.”
That’s when Cain felt his throat closing up as the air in his lungs began to shorten with every breath. It was like his life was being squeezed out of him.
“Saturn.” Michael said.
“Isn’t me.” I replied, keeping my eyes on Cain. “Talk to Joe.”
Everyone looked over at Joe. Who’s hand was glowing a brighter shade of blue then usual.
“What? I got sick of hearing his crap.” Joe shrugged his shoulders.
“And you now decide to use your Seal?” Azrael raised an eyebrow.
“Unbelievable. Well, at least now you’ve decided to join us for the fourth quarter of the game.” Azrael sarcastically remarked.
“Don’t kill him, Joe.” I interrupted.
“Didn’t plan to. Just wanted to shut him the hell up.” Joe answered.
Cain started to fight off the power of Joe’s Seal. Slowly beginning to be able to breath once again as he did so.
“Pathetic.” Cain snarled. “Each and every one of you. I can not be stopped. And I will not be stopped by mere mortals or the daughter of a Seraphim. Who thinks she can take over for her daddy.”
“I don’t think it.” I grabbed Cain by his throat with one hand, lifting him off the ground. “I know it.”
“Saturn, the rules.” Gabriel spoke up.
“Da hell with the rules.” I roared.
“Whoa. Wait, can a Seraphim cuss?” Bags asked.
“Normally, no.” Michael answered. “But this is Saturn.”
“Good point.”
“Saturn.” Gabriel said again, noticing I hadn’t let go of Cain.
“I’d be doing Yeshua a favor.” I responded, reading Gab’s mind.
“No, you wouldn’t. You’d be messing with the future. You’d make the bible into nothing but a book of lies and you’d make God in to a liar.” Gabriel pointed out. “But more importantly, you’d be doing it out of revenge. And Seraphims who seek revenge become damned themselves.”
“Saturn, please.” Gabriel replied, trying to remain calm.
“He’s going to kill others if I don’t stop him.”
“I know he will but you have to trust me. You have to trust God. Things will work out. He will pay for what he has done. You just can’t go playing judge, jury and executioner.”
I finally let go of Cain and as I did so, the ground started to shake violently.
“Earthquake?” Drew asked.
“No.” Azrael answered.
“Then who?”
“You’ll see.”
A flash of light entered the room like a lightning bolt. Scaring off every member of the Hierarchy except Cain and Leviathan. The flash quickly died out and Metatron stood before everyone. He walked over to Cain and I while stretching out his wings.
“Duck.” Azrael said.
“What?” Preston asked, ending up getting hit in the back of the head by a wing.
“Told ya.”
Zero quickly stepped a side as Metatron walked by him. More afraid of Metatron rather than getting hit in the head by a wing.
“How come your wings don’t look like that?” Buttters asked Jay, admiring Metatron’s wings and how many there were. “He’s like a walking feathered pillow.”
“Why me?” Jay lowered his head, shaking it.
“Saturn.” Metatron finally greeted me as he saw my wings. “You finally became a Seraphim, I see. Your father would be proud.”
“I had no choice. I had to take over for the old man.” I growled. “Wasn’t my idea, however.”
“Sometimes we have to do things we hate. It’s all part of God’s plan.” Metatron tried to reassure me.
“Yea, well someone better tell Him to check His plans again because He made a mistake.” Cain interrupted. “Making a half-breed a Seraphim. Not only that but a woman Seraphim of Death. Has He lost His mind?”
“No, Cain. He hasn’t lost anything. He knows what He’s doing. Question is, do you?”
“Forgive me for asking.” E.T. spoke up, trying to be polite as possible. “But who are you?”
“He’s Metatron.” Azrael answered.
“So you’re the one Saturn got in to a fight with.” Jordan remarked.
I looked over at Jordan out of the corner of my eye. Raising an eyebrow somewhat.
“I read it in your journal.” He responded, noticing the look I was giving him. “Honest.”
“Sure a little angel of death didn’t tell you?” I questioned him. “Because I don’t remember writing it in my journal.”
“Man, you’re so busted.” Michael made fun of Azrael.
“That’s okay, Mikey. We won’t tell Saturn all the times you’ve told Jordan things. Things that were meant to stay private.” Azrael calmly replied, smoking a cigar.
“What? Wait? Come on now, this isn’t about me. It’s about you.”
“True but we can quickly make it about you. If you like.”
“Um no, that’s okay.”
“Thought so.”
I now turned my attention back to Metatron who was now staring Cain down.
“You messed up big time, boy.” Metatron stated. “If it was up to me you’d be dead. But as it is written, Yeshua and you are suppose to do battle. Therefore, all I can do is sit back and watch you make a fool of yourself and fail miserably. And you will.”
“So you won’t stop me from killing the Seraphim wannabe?” Cain asked, with a devious grin.
“I didn’t say that.” Metatron shook his head. “However, I do have a message from God Himself.”
“And that is?”
“You lay a hand on Saturn and you won’t have to worry about facing his Son.”
“Then who will start the supposed Great War?” Cain mocked.
“There are demons waiting for you to fail in Hell. Anyone can claim to be the Anti-Christ and start the Great War.” Metatron pointed out. “Just because your Lucifer’s son doesn’t mean a thing. You’re just another foolish demon in God’s eyes.”
“He can’t kill me!” Cain exclaimed.
“Wanna bet.” Metatron said with a smug expression. “He will not have you ruin His plans by harming Saturn or any of the other Seals. You’re walking on very thin ice. If I were you boy, I’d be real careful.”
“He doesn’t scare me.”
“He should.”
“Let me take care of him.” I sneered.
“Saturn, no.” Metatron turned around to face me.. “You’ll just damn yourself and I don’t want to see that happen. Nor does He.”
“You forget, Metatron. I don’t take orders. I never have.”
“I know you don’t. You’re stubborn like your father.” Metatron laughed some. “Now I know how God felt when He had to deal with Yosef.”
Cain now tried to attack Metatron from behind. He soon however felt some sort of force slamming him on the floor.
“You definitely are hard headed. I’ll give you that.” Metatron now said to Cain. “You should know better than to attack a Seraphim from behind, boy.”
“I’m not a boy.” Cain snarled. “I’m a man.”
“No, you’re a boy.” Metatron corrected him. “And the way you act proves it.”
Cain tried to get up but Metatron put his foot on his head. Keeping him from trying to. Leviathan meanwhile had tossed Alex a side like a rag doll and now tackled Metatron to the ground. As Cain slowly got to his feet. The Seal in me began to react as well as the feral. My feral side I hadn’t lost when I became a Seraphim. It just enhanced it a little bit more. Or so I had found out.
“Oh sh....” Thief started to say, as him and the others noticed. “She’s gone feral.”
“And now that she’s a Seraphim....” Michael thought about it. “Holy mother of Mary. She has the same abilities that her father had.”
“Is that bad?” Jay asked.
“I don’t know. You tell me. I mean she just carries the Seal of God’s Wrath a.k.a Destruction, is the Seraphim of Death and, has a temper.”
“We’re in trouble.”
I now waved my hand. Throwing Leviathan up against the wall. Keeping him pinned to the wall as Azrael checked on Metatron.
“Are you okay?” Azrael asked.
“I’m fine. Stop Saturn. She’s letting her Seal control her.” Metatron answered.
I turned my attention on Cain as he tried to escape. I quickly blocked his exit by creating a rock slide. He quickly looked over at me. Raising an eyebrow.
“You can’t touch me.” He argued. “Metatron even said so.”
“Coward.” I snarled, as I slammed him up against the wall, holding my claws inches from his jugular.
“You kill me. You damn yourself. Remember?”
“So be it.”
I could now feel a hand on my shoulder. I knew who it was and I tried to ignore him. Azrael was somewhat surprised to see he had been beating to the punch, so to speak.
“Saturn.” Jordan said. “Don’t do this. Not now.”
“Get my father and the others out of here.” I ordered. “I’ll take care of Cain.”
“Don’t argue with me. Just do what....”
“I made a promise to your father. Now either you let Cain go or I’ll kick your ass for being stupid.”
“Wait? Are you threatening me?” I raised an eyebrow.
“No, I’m making a promise. You’re not the only one with a Seal.”
“Dead man.” Nega coughed.
“Well, it was nice knowing ya, Yankee.” Preston spoke up, in his deep southern accent. “Just tell us where you want your remains buried. If there’s anything left of ya.”
“Richie-Rich, this isn’t the time to prove yourself. Get the hell out of here and take the others with you. That’s an order.” I growled at him.
Cain and Leviathan both started to turn to stone before everyone’s eyes. I quickly let go of Cain, backing away with Jordan.
“What the....?” Jay began to say, looking around.
“It’s Metatron.” Michael spoke up, taking notice.
Metatron was on feet with his wings spread and a light shining off of him. Almost silver in color.
I quickly figured out what he was up to.
“NO!” I roared, going after Metatron.
He quickly embraced me in his arms. Refusing to let me go.
“I’m sorry, doll.” He whispered in my ear. “I’m sorry.”
I found myself falling asleep in his arms and not by my will.
“What did you do to her?” Sam asked.
“I put her to sleep.” Metatron answered. “I had to stop her or else she would have gotten everyone killed including herself.”
Azrael took me from Metatron. Carrying me in his arms.
“You know she’s gonna be mad with you?” Azrael pointed out.
“So what else is new.” Metatron shrugged his shoulders. “Get everyone out of here and take Yosef’s body.”
“What about you?”
“I need to make sure this place is never used again.”
As the others began to leave, Metatron stopped Jordan.
“What?” Jordan asked, as Metatron stood in his way.
“It took guts to stand up to Saturn like that. Most men wouldn’t have walked away.” Metatron answered.
“She had to be stopped. You said it yourself.”
“That I did. I just didn’t expect you to.... Thank you.” Metatron said, stepping out of the way so Jordan could pass.
Before Jordan could leave, Metatron spoke up once more.
“And just a word of advice.”
“What?” Jordan asked.
“Don’t every threaten to kick Saturn’s butt unless you know you can.” Metatron answered. “Many have made the same threat and none of them were lucky enough to walk away.”
“True but none of them know Saturn like I do.” Jordan remarked.
“I’d be careful, Seal carrier. You don’t know her as well as you think you do.”
“Yea, well I think I do.”
“Still you run into any problems....”
“I can handle it.”
“For your sake, I hope so.”
As soon as Jordan left, Metatron returned his attention at the stone statues of Cain and Leviathan.
“I’m going to have to hide you two from Saturn.” He said, raising his hand. “I just hope I can hide you well enough to elude her feral senses or we’re all in trouble.”
Meanwhile on the surface, the others including Jordan had exited the tunnels just in the nick of time before they caved in. Jordan looked over at Azrael who was still holding me.
“So that’s it?” Preston spoke up. “No worry of a Great War, I take it.”
“No, there still will be one.” Gabriel answered.
“Metatron temporarily stopped Cain and Leviathan. They will eventually come back to life.” Azrael spoke up, explaining. “He only turned them to stone now because well of Saturn.”
“Yea, but couldn’t Saturn just destroy their stone figures?” Drew pointed out.
“No, not if Metatron was the one who turned them to stone. His power also puts a barrier, somewhat like a force field, around them. Meaning nothing can harm them. Not even Saturn.”
“And what about Saturn?” Nega asked, sounding worried.
“She’ll wake up in a few days. Right now, she’s resting like Sleeping Beauty.” Azrael replied.
“Sleeping Beauty you say..hmm.” Preston thought about it, as a sly grin crossed his face.
“Don’t even think about it.” Alex warned him, reading his mind.
“Get over it, angel boy. She wants something new not old.” Preston retorted.
“Then wouldn’t that exclude you as well?” Alex sarcastically remarked.
“Look, it’s bad enough with the Yankee. I don’t need you hanging around.”
“Tough. I’m staying.”
Preston clenched his fists as he started to grumble a few chosen words under his breath. Alex just grinned.
“Aww, did I hurt the poor Texan’s feelings?”
“Wait, how did you....?” Preston scratched his head
“Saturn told me.” Alex continued to grin.
“Go figure.” Preston grumbled.
A few days passed before I found myself waking up in my own bed. I had one hell of a headache and needed a cigar to fix that problem. I couldn’t however find my lighter.
“Looking for this.” Jordan sat in a chair in the corner of the room, holding up my lighter as he tossed it at me.
I caught it and lit up my cigar.
“What happened?” I asked.
“Metatron put you to sleep.” Jordan answered. “He had to. You weren’t acting yourself. By the way, Azrael took your father’s body home.”
“To heaven?”
“No, to Saturn. It’s what your dad wanted.”
“But of course. I guess how I feel about it doesn’t matter.” I bluntly responded, smoking the cigar.
“Saturn, you weren’t....” Jordan started to say.
“Don’t tell me what I was or wasn’t. Or how I was acting.” I growled.
“I take it now that you’re a Seraphim, you’re going to be twice as moody.” Jordan raised an eyebrow.
“Has nothing to do with that.” I snapped at him.
“I know it doesn’t. I was kidding. Sorry it’s just....”
“Just what?”
“You scared the hell out of me back there. It was like you were a different person.”
“ I was.” I calmly answered. “I let my emotions give the Seal permission to take over. So it did. I need to learn to control myself better.”
“Saturn, you lost your....” Jordan began to respond.
“Don’t. I don’t wanna talk about it.” I interrupted him, heading towards the door. “I’ve gotta go talk to Nega.”
“No reason in particular.”
Jordan now looked out the window as the snow began to fall outside. I stopped at the door to watch him for a minute.
“What?” He asked, feeling my stare.
“If you want to back out of this. I mean give your Seal back to God, I don’t think He’d....”
“Jordan, I just don’t want you to go through what I’ve...”
“That’s a first.” He laughed some, changing the subject.
“What is?”
“That it’s been awhile since you haven’t called me Richie-Rich.”
“Uh-huh. Well, I better go talk to Nega.”
I was half way out the door before I stopped myself.
“Jordan?” I said, keeping my back turned.
“Huh?” He responded.
“Thanks, Richie-Rich.” I answered with a smile appearing out of the corner of my mouth as I continued to leave.
Jordan didn’t respond. Just kept looking out the window as he shook his head a little. I on the other hand, went straight for Nega’s room. Making sure to knock on the door before I entered. Seeing as I didn’t feel like walking into anything unexpectedly. When I didn’t receive any response, I decided to take the chance. Which with Westies is anything but easy to do considering how they are. I opened the door and entered the room to find Nega sleeping on his bed. I quietly sat on the edge of his bed. Smoking my cigar as I did so. It didn’t take him long to wake up and see me.
“What?” He asked.
“We need to talk.” I answered, not facing him.
“Saturn, look I wanted to tell you but....”
“I know, Nega. And I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?”
“No, I’m not. I understand why you had to keep it from me. I understand you had made a promise. I don’t fault you for what you did.”
“Then what do you want to talk about?” He questioned.
“I know you spent time with my father before he died. I wanna know what he said.” I answered.
“Please Jim, I need to know.” I now looked over my shoulder at him.
“I wasn’t the only one who spent time with him. Why don’t you ask the others?” Nega replied.
“Because they won’t tell me.”
“And Jordan?”
“He has too much to deal with in his own life. I don’t wanna brother him.” I explained. “And can you keep a secret?”
“Yea.” Nega answered.
“I read his mind and I know he won’t tell me anything.”
“Saturn, you don’t ever....”
“I know, I know. I usually don’t but I needed to find out. He still wants to keep the promise he made to my father. But you don’t have to. It’s okay if you tell me what my father said.”
“Saturn, I don’t know.” Nega felt unsure.
“Please.” I said, trying to remain calm. “I need to know.”
“You sure you have four hours to spare?”
“I have all the time in the world.”
“Alright then. I’ll tell you.”
Meanwhile on the back porch, Preston, Drew, I.O,Libra, Fox, Thief, Bags, Jay, E.T, Sam, Joe and, Alex were all gathered. Drinking and having the time of their lives talking it up. Until Joe’s cell phone went off.
“Damn.” He muttered, checking.
“What is it?” Bags asked.
“It’s the wife. If I don’t get home, she’s gonna kill me.” Joe replied. “I’ve gotta go.”
“You’ve gotta do no such thing. Let her wait. You’re a irish man for god’s sake.” Bags said. “Show her you’re a man and not some whipping boy.”
“Hey Bags, isn’t that your wife’s car pulling up in the driveway?” Thief asked.
“Where?” Bags quickly asked, looking.
“Thought so.” Thief deviously grinned, noticing how Bags was sweating.
Phoenix came outside to take the trash out. Not saying a word as the boys stopped and stared.
“If you’re gonna stare.” Leysa spoke up from the kitchen window, scaring them. “You might want to take a picture. Down boys, she has a man.”
“Yes ma’am.” They all said at the same time.
Joe’s cell phone went off again and he headed for the front to leave. Fiddling with the buttons on his phone as he did so.
“I thank God I’m not married.” Jay shook his head. “So Alex, how long do you plan on staying?”
“For awhile. Why?” Alex answered.
“No reason. Just thought you might wanna join our club.”
“Bad idea.” Thief coughed.
“Terry, come on man. What could Saturn possibly do?”
“I don’t know. You tell me. I mean you’re just trying to recruit one of her old flames and turn him into us.”
“So?” Jay said.
“So do you honestly think after all that has happened she’d be happy about this? If anything she’d probably wipe the floor with you.” Thief pointed out.
“Naw, she can’t do nothing.”
“Does Vegas ring a bell?”
“Uh....good point. But still he’s a grown man. He can make his own decisions.”
“Whatever man, it’s your butt not mine.”
The next day, I left on one of my trips. I was going to find the answers that Nega told me, my father had left behind. I was also going to look for the statues of Cain and Leviathan. I knew Metatron would try his best to hide them from me. Afraid I might try to destroy them even though it would be next to impossible for me. I also wanted to find out what the remaining members of the Hierarchy were up to. Considering chances are they probably re-grouped. Jordan watched from his office window as I drove off on my bike before heading over to his desk and pulling out a journal from the top right hand drawer. A journal that was neither mine nor his. A journal had the answers I was looking for.
“Why didn’t you give it to her?” Nega asked.
Jordan looked up to see Nega and Michael both sitting in the chairs in front of his desk.
“I’d like to know that too.” Michael said.
“What is this a meeting for those who kept promises to Saturn’s father?” Jordan remarked.
“If it was, there’d be a hell of a lot more people in here.” Nega replied. “Now why didn’t you give her that journal?”
“She’s not ready to know yet.” Jordan answered.
“So is this what you think or decided or what?” Michael questioned.
“No. Believe it or not before her father went to Israel, he saw me.” Jordan began to explain.
“Oh, I bet that went well.”
“Not really. I sort of put him on the spot for not seeing Saturn.”
“And that went over like a lead balloon, I bet.”
“Yea, it did. Anyway, he told me that Saturn isn’t ready to know the answers. Not everything anyway.” Jordan continued to explain. “There is still one thing she has to overcome before I can even think about giving her this journal.”
“And that would be?”Nega asked.
“The battle with herself.” Jordan put the journal back in the door.
Zero stood on the street corner in downtown Boston. Looking both ways before crossing the street and heading into an alleyway. He met up with a hooded figure who hid in the shadows of the alley.
“So do they expect anything?” The hooded figure asked him.
“No.” Zero answered. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yea, I am.” The hooded figure deviously grinned. “I haven’t been more sure in all my life.”
The End
Last edited by LadySaturn on Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:46 pm

Music for Poetry Familia 10:

1. James Blunt- "Out Of My Mind"
2. Gary Jules- "Mad World"
3. Tori Amos- "Angels"
4. Death Cab For Cutie- "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"
5. U2- "Window In The Skies", " Running To Stand Still"
6. Pink- "Who Knew"
7. AudioSlave- "Revelations"
8. 30 Seconds To Mars- "The Kill"
9. Pink Floyd- "Wish You Were Here"
10. Dashboard Confessional- "Don't Wait"
11. Damone- "When You Live"
12. Jordan Knight- "Drive"
13. Mat Kearney- "Nothing Left To Lose"
14. The Killers- "ExitLude"
15. Foo Fighters- "My Hero" (Skin And Bones Live Album Version)
16. Stone Sour- "Through The Glass"
17. Sia- "Breathe Me" (Radio Edit)
Last edited by LadySaturn on Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by thief of dreams » Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:58 am

Oh this was an awesome suprise tonight, I wasn't expecting you to have it up for a week or more..
Kick ass woman! your writings are never boring and always have just enough twists to keep them suspensful and intriguing...
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Post by heinzs » Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:32 am

:bow: :bow:
An' it harm none, do what ye will. Blessed Be.
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Post by bags123 » Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:41 am

I was so excited when I read this, I almost upchucked. Never have I read anything to rival this lugubrious opus. You are consumed by your visions my dear, and deftly move the reader from his reality into your realm of total dementia. Bravo! :hello:
Last edited by bags123 on Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadySaturn » Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:52 am

:oops: :oops: :oops:

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Post by Debbie » Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:24 pm

WOW Lady Saturn what a gifted writer you are.....it is long so I haven't got time to read it all but believe you me I will.from what I've read you are amazing....... :hello: :bow:

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:56 pm


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Post by Spazway » Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:10 am

:bow: :bow: Awesome as usual, Lady S. :bow: :bow: I can't wait for the next one! :mrgreen:
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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:01 pm


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Post by preston » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:58 am

Preston and the camel were a few miles away from Jerusalem when a plane landed before them. Kicking up sand as it did so. When everything had finally settled, Preston was literally inches away from the nose of the plane.
“Now there’s something you don’t see every day.” He sarcastically remarked.
sarcasm suits me :thumbsup:


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Post by preston » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:59 am

oh, and señor gato really likes the camel ... they've become inseparable


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Post by Ven » Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:22 am

:bow: :bow: :bow:

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Tag line: Poet Laureate Nov 2011

Post by LadySaturn » Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:03 pm

preston wrote:oh, and señor gato really likes the camel ... they've become inseparable


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