My Crazy German Professor

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Clearwater Poet
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My Crazy German Professor

Post by Inurooshi » Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:12 am

The Crazy German Professor:

The crazy German was my professor.
His rimmed glasses remnants from a forgotten age
His mustache so thick and looked oh so fake.
But My Crazy German professor lectured us,

He told us his history of how he became a crazy German professor,

You see he grew up in Germany like any normal boy,
But only he wasn’t so ordinary, his cranium was the size of a honey dew melon.
Filled with genius and brains so brilliant and telling,
He told us the many books he read,

He told of us of his early days exploring Shakespeare and laughed at Shakespeare’s mediocrity,
He was so proud and happy of his new found talents,
He grew up knowing he was different, a genius he was,
But he still was human, got sick like other kids, got sad, cried, played, had fun, and lived,

However his government thought naught.
All they saw was his honey dew shaped head,
His academic achievements,
His brain for the most part but they didn’t see the living breathing human under the brain,

The government took him away when he was but 15,
They told him to do things, bad things,
He didn’t want to; he saw how much his genius had hurt others,
He saw how the bombs exploded, burning and desecrating all,

His government lied and said
“Don’t you want to do what’s best for you country? Don’t you want to make your mom and dad proud?”
And so for a while he was happy using his brain to make various devices for killing,
He made a head slicing machine thrown as a Frisbee once landing on the persons head you’d pull the chord and off his head went blood splattering everywhere,

He taught others to use his machines, they were his children, He spawned them and he loved them
They were an extension of who he was, an extension of his physical and mental body,
Until one day when he decided to take a nightly walk,
He saw a man kill an innocent child with his invention,
He grieved and questioned the government
The government lied once again, and he was happy knowing the child had been a major drug dealer found with 5kilos worth of marijuana.

One day he was demonstrating his Frisbee hat killing device and among those poor victims the government had decided to kill were none other than his mother and father,
He didn’t recognize his mother’s face,
Shed been beaten, bruised, abused, and raped, she was a hollow being living but not alive,
She’d been staring down the whole time and then when she looked up,
She saw her son and shed tears, as her son killed her,

It wasn’t till his mother died did he recognize whom she was.
She had the same scar that his mother had on the stomach where shed been burned by boiling water,
Protecting him as a little child,
Protecting the little prodigy,

My Crazy German professor realized it was time to leave,

Time to leave a place where his own government had killed so many,
Where he created devices to kill,
And in an instant he realized that he had caused all of the deaths,
Every innocent child every mother, everybody he had done it all
He’d assisted and killed everybody.

So he began his plot, he lied and said he’d work on an unstoppable bomb,
That would radiate disease and kill all,
So they left him alone and let him proceed,
And when his invention was completed,
He lied and said he’d had to go to bathroom,
Where he escaped and triggered the bomb blowing the government
And all of his killing machines,

He came to America to start a new life,
But he had no peace; his eyes are droopy and saggy,
He’d never gotten a bit of rest,
Each night he’d hear the screams and cries of his victim’s ghost,
They plagued him each night.

He understood this was his punishment,

No one believed My Crazy German professor,
That is until his government came and took him away,
They killed him with his own invention,
They stuck his head on a pike in front of the new government,
And laughed at what a fool he was,

But in reality they were the fools
A week after they killed him his body exploded,
He’d made his body into an even larger bomb,
And with that he paid his debts to the ghost that’d he’d slain,
And ended the government.

My crazy German Professor lived, breathed, ate, loved and ultimately died,
No one remembers him and no one remembers the old government,
The reason he told us this story before he died was to say
We’re all human, we live we breathe, and we die.
Behind every egghead is a person, a person with the same needs as everyone else.

"Ignorance is bliss knowledge is a doubled edged blade both power and a curse"

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Re: My Crazy German Professor

Post by northernlight » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:50 pm

wow, that was very enlightning and vivid, and all around a very talented piece, i love the message your trying to get across that we're all people, no matter what we look like on the outside. thanks! :hearts:

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