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Mother's Brother's

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:56 am
by bags123
Mother's Brother's

The English tongue is ground up in a bastard stew with others
Angle,Saxon, Dane, and Celt spun with your mother's brother's
For centuries it would simmer in imported wine from France
Which reportedly gave vigor to this mixed up tongue's advance.

North in Scotland it is spoken from a Gaelic point of view
Where Pictish hordes once roamed at will, as they often liked to do
In Erin it procured a brogue scarcely understood by any
Potatoes grew for way too few, and famine killed too many

What I speak is American mixed up with all the others
Angle, Saxon, Dane, and Celt spun with my mother's brother's

Re: Mother's Brother's

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:50 pm
by nekot
I found my mind's voice speaking with a bit of Irish brogue by the end of this one.

Wonderful rhythm and subject and play on words, as usual.

Maybe use an alternative word for "picked up," since the pic sound (Pictish) is in the previous line?
Perhaps ... procured?

Centurys should be centuries...iffin' ya' wanna spell it correctly.
Typo in understoond; ie: should be understood.
(That is the spelling for today.)

The poem is a great segue into a geography or cultural lesson.


Re: Mother's Brother's

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:25 am
by bags123
Hi Carol,
Thanks for the read and the typo corrections. I changed it according to your recommendations. Procured does sound much better. Thanks