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Those Changes

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:35 am
by carndo
it's strange
when you think of those certain times
held in the past
and yet...
you laugh
because you remember
the trials and tribulations
of what you went through
and yet looking back
I wouldn't change a damn thing

Let The Gates Of Hell Open Wide

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:36 am
by carndo
let the gates of hell open wide
and somehow I will be laughing
at the chaos surrounding
for I have no fear of the fates
I bide my own time
within this mortality
and yet i realize
this life is fleeting
within an understanding
that one day I will be no more
but dust from whence I came
but still I smile
as I walk down life's path
and find that adventure
that waits ahead

That Eternal Breath

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:37 am
by carndo
that eternal breath
where howls heard
within the wild
that promise of freedom
which touches in seasons
can you hear the cry?
does it reach
somewhere deep inside?
that primal
within Gia herself
in that need
where a song is heard
and eventually


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:38 am
by carndo
that don't seem to matter
within the scheme of things
and yet
they give you pause
to simply wonder


I'm still
asking myself that

here I am
in the twilight of life

wandering through
a path
that I've forged

yet I still
have things
to discover


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:39 am
by carndo
reflections find
that image held
within those yesterdays
in that solitude
where certain ghosts
haunt one
for deeds done in the past

sorrow sobs
within time
where tears reveal
certain moments

those journeys
that leave one saddened

questions created
with one
needing a lesson learned

leaving one
shaking their head
simply asking


That Final Price

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:40 am
by carndo
that crooked smile
in the twilight
where one looms
in nightmares
just past those shadows
leaving one
looking around the corner
is he there?
and one hears
a sinister laughter
leaving chills
up and down the spine
and having one
question their sanity
never knowing
if they pay
that final price


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:41 am
by carndo
that quiet dignity
in the reflection
in the strength
those wetlands
confections found
within the passion
where you seek
that touch
those lineaments of desire
luminous peaches
curve of your breast
sought within the moment
where I seek your smile
the voyage

Tears Within The Silence

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:42 am
by carndo
are you done pleading for answers
when they are right in front of you?
somehow you don't see it
where everyone one else does

you've lost your humanity
and your common sense

and here you are reaching
for a certain way of life

yet that passion is somehow lost

broken beyond measure
saddened blues
enter the chaos

tears within the silence
hardened entwine the echoes

in the chill

whispers fall
on deaf ears

and still you cry

Something Is Lost

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:43 am
by carndo
clouds rise within the horizon
whispers held between

yet something is lost

hidden away
within that darkened past

shadows steal
that certain truth

and wisdom is forgotten

could it be more
that what you assume?

shattered promises
lost in the wind

and still what you seek
is beyond that simple comprehension

A Kinder Place

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:32 pm
by carndo
sometimes in life
consideration is warranted
yet some
are so blind
they don't see the consequences
this world
is so selfish
a little kindness
is needed
a smile or an act within the heart
can really matter
and one day
maybe its returned
when one least expects it
some really need to take a walk
in someone elses shoes
and then maybe
this world can be a kinder place

That's The Funny Thing

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:34 pm
by carndo
that's the funny thing about love
it holds no restrictions
not does it care for bounds of any kind
it's free for the taking
it soars within the heart
and for the most part
kindness is met
within that moment of truth
but who will share it?
who will take the time to let it grow?
who will plant those seeds
that's needed
within this world of pain?
who will take the first watch
to meet in that moment?
reach out and take that chance
which changes the world
and make it
a kinder place

One Of Those Days

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:35 pm
by carndo
one of those days
where everything seems to go wrong
and yes
it's my own fault
for not paying attention
to things I need to
you're laughing at yourself
for being stupid
at the same time
you're mad at yourself
and asking why?
murphy is having a good laugh
well suck it up
try again

Chaos Laughing

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:36 pm
by carndo
sometimes the way we see ourselves
is simply not the way others see us

most of the time
we're too blind
to see our own faults

but if you think about it
so are other people

we all have a tendency
to pat ourselves on the back
without realizing
that we should think of others first

yet with that
there are exceptions
to the rule

and probably
exceptions to the exceptions

we all live in a
mad, mad world

and chaos is
simply laughing at us

In The Circle

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:37 pm
by carndo
in the circle
there is a promise
that teaches wisdom
for those who will listen

will you listen?

in the path of power
there is a way to walk
for spirits
to find their way

will you walk with them?

in the song of life
there is honor
in the path of the warrior

will you sing that song to honor them?

coming full circle
there is beauty
for the world
to simply behold

will you
become the dreamwalker
that shows others that wisdom?

Within The Heart

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:38 pm
by carndo
to touch within the heart
reaching through those echoes
held within that loving cup
where we see
what we see
in memories

shall we keep that ballad
rhythms set within harmony
lyrics sung so sweetly
yet in the distance
celebrations of the heart
as we touch in that open invitation

embraces met within the night
languages drawn
from moment to moment
where we complete each other

tomorrows found
yet that future
is not quite known

but it doesn't matter
only the paradise
that we have today